That thread is hardly accurate. Lemmy acts holier-than-thou about social media, so most people that do use Twitter or Facebook didn’t post because they’d be shit on or have memes created about how they use social media owned by evil robots.
There are dozens of us that don’t have a FB account!
The only reason I keep my fb is so my mum can send me things she finds funny online.
I created a new one just to use the marketplace. I don’t post or read anything else.
Mine dates to '09. It’s been dead since '14. I only keep it around to use Marketplace since Craigslist is basically dead.
network effect
Yup. I quit everything but Reddit several years back without a second thought in all that time because I lived in a big metropolitan city.
Now I live in a small suburb where all the towns and businesses post to FB, neighbors have tradeposts and active interest groups on there, the schools and Police post info there too. My wife has connected to “friends” we otherwise wouldn’t exchange info with.
All that has had me wanting to create a new account - just to connect. I was completely ignorant to the role it plays outside of big cities beforehand. Nextdoor is a really crappy alternative.
I tried nextdoor but nobody was on it compared to the thousands in the local facebook group.
I have up FaceFuck after Brexit and the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
They brainwashed people into voting against their own interests by “Targeted Advertising” which is basically brain washing.
Of course nothing came of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and I can’t do anything about that as a Plebian, so I just left.
I left Reddit when they took my favourite app. I used it to Doomscroll and that wasn’t great for my mental health, so it was a no-brainer
So Lemmy and only Lemmy for me. I got over my addiction to social media by taking up the Rubik’s Cube.
I’m currently working on getting an average solve under 30 seconds…
So if you use your social media time to do something productive instead, you can do some crazy shit
If you’re ever a parent, and you have one or more kids in school, and they engage in extracurricular activities - you’ll be surprised how many amateur sports clubs and similar places communicate predominantly or even exclusively through Facebook.
Right. And that would stop if people quit participating on fb.
Spoken like someone who has never tried to get a group of people larger than two to collectively change their behaviour in a specific way.
I’m a hobbyist photographer. Facebook and Instagram are my main outlets to show off my work right now. Fortunately my livelihood doesn’t depend on that hobby, but I’d still rather have the online presence.
For staying up to date on my local shops and events, Facebook is just the easiest and more reliable option.
Not sure we should be shaming people about what social media they use lol
We should and I will.
we absolutely should. facebook is fucking evil, and getting everything to move off it, damaging the network effect, is important for creating a more free and open information ecosystem.
You realize you’re shaming people on Lemmy, the people who clearly already support a more privacy centric and less profit-driven approach to social media.
We don’t live in a Utopia where all 7 billion people have already followed suit, and shaming won’t help. Providing a welcoming community will.
You like getting personality-tracked and getting psychological experimentation done on you without your consent?
lol what a silly statement.
I like being up to date on what my city councillors are doing, events my local cafes host, local art exhibits, etc. Things that have tangible benefits to my community.
If you can convince them all to share that content on Mastodon be my guest :)
I like being up to date on what my city councillors are doing, events my local cafes host, local art exhibits, etc. Things that have tangible benefits to my community.
I’m going to say this in the nicest way possible- get up off your behind and attend council meetings in person, walk around your neighborhood, do anything except getting all your local news from Facebook. It’s literally there to show you what they want you to see, not what you want to see. Meta as a company is awful, and the algorithms they use to deliver content and advertising to you are a malignant tumor on society. Any information you get from it can easily be ascertained by walking around your neighborhood.
Right. You have all the content there but fitted with more horrible tracking mechanism. Choose between it.
As a more practical answer, use your facebook as a webpage(Don’t use app on phone) on some pretty privacy friendly web browser. Or maybe there are bots which scrapes the content and gives it to you
I’m of an age where everyone I know uses Facebook and have lost appetite for new social media… it’s effective enough to communicate and post events etc… if it’s not broke…
For context my social media journey started with geocities ( many here weren’t even a glint in their fathers eye then 😂)
I’ve done geocities > bebo > MySpace > Facebook + instagram + twitter + reddit … now I just do Facebook, instagram( mostly for cars and bikes)and lemmy.
At this point I am social media’d out.
Samesies. Geocities and MySpace were a good time. I now only keep the FartBook because of business not pleasure
People use Facebook for Messenger. Others got used to group chat via this app.
I had to create a random account after years to be be updated with uni group chat news. Otherwise I would feel like an outcast.
I’d rather be a loner than go back to that shitbook.
At least it’s not X/Twitter
Yea, nah. Say what you want about X, but Meta is in a whole other league than X. In my communities it’s monopolising to a large degree:
- finding housemates/sharehouses,
- buying/selling second-hand goods online,
- info on events,
- news-updates for community groups, and even
- shift swaps at work
amongs others. All essential services that Meta took over one by one.
X on the other hand is just a micro-blogging platform.
Anyone else only use Facebook for FB dating and FB marketplace?
I don’t actively use it, but I don’t see the point in deleting my account? My HOA is only on a Facebook group, so it’s the only place I can go to check for updates on some stuff (typically trash day getting moved, neighborhood pool stuff, etc). That’s the only use. My understanding is that Facebook tracks me even without an account so doesn’t really seem like I’m gaining anything other than good feelings by deleting my account.
It’s not like I’ve gone out of my way to delete my old Myspace or xanga accounts either, I just stop using them.
Yeah, there’s more than a handful of things that are only on Facebook that I’m not going to give the effort of trying to get people to move to something else. Even the kids school pages.
Facebook has a monopoly in many areas and they know it.
Haven’t had Facebook in at least 5 years, probably more. I had a Reddit account for 13 years, but got banned for saying I wished MTG would trip and swallow her own head. They said I was inciting violence. Fuck Reddit. I had an Instagram account for a while and I posted joke pictures of random everyday objects with lots of filters. After insta became a super battery drain spy box app, I deleted app and account and never looked back. Never got into twitter, certainly wont now. Lenny seems to be one of the few platforms that isn’t totally ruined by shitty people and companies.
Lost an 11 year account on the other site for reporting a thread where some ‘frienworld’ style fashi bois were planning a hit and run at a protest the next week.
20 mins later my account was permabanned for ‘ban evasion’ despite that being my only reddit account ever.
Haha, I got banned from leddit for talking shit about spez during the api outrage days. Not even anything violent, but got the perma for harassment.
Good riddance, enjoy the paid subs morons
Facebook Purity plugin for firefox is a must.
No, excuses, I use FB. I’ve turned my feed into mostly hobby and other interest groups so that it’s more like reddit or the Fediverse. I viciously “x” any ads I see as soon as they show up. Seems it takes a bit for FB to look at my account and try to tailor me some ads so I get a week give or take of ad-free fb. It’s actually a useful social media if you force it to conform to what you want and make it hard for FB to abuse you.
Tried Threads, don’t like the format, and the comments and questions are every bit as stupid as FB reels or YT shorts. Insta sucks.