Can you make a map comparing 2020 to 2024? Was voter turnout like this last time? Cool map btw. Thank you
Can you make a map comparing 2020 to 2024? Was voter turnout like this last time? Cool map btw. Thank you
Wave race was legit. I still think about that game and I’m an old gamer
ChildIDFile. Creates a secure file of your kid’s information that lives only on your personal device but can be shared with police quickly. Hopefully you never need it
Samesies. Geocities and MySpace were a good time. I now only keep the FartBook because of business not pleasure
I have washed shoes on gentle before with success. Technique, I put them in a pillowcase that closes first to keep laces from tangling
This is a truly amazing post. Really inspired writing. Thank you for making me actually lol and forcing my wife to listen to me read it out loud
Love this game. Its such a good experience
Absolutely. Loved the first one
I’m a big fan of Ground News. Helps wading through the pool
I was lurking for a comment like this. You’ve described my feeling exactly. Lemmy feels a bit more mature. I went cold turkey for reddit and I’m not going back. Btw, I use Connect app and really live it. I don’t seem to have some of the technical issues that I see others talk about with Lemmy
Alright, sorry for the dumb question, but what exactly is fentanyl and where does it come from? Why has it replaced other drugs? Why is it so cheap?
If you need to drown something in drawn butter to make it edible, I don’t think it should be considered food. The butter is the food. 😂
This is a great app. Sent you some coffee
Connect works for me