My blue civic back in 2005 was nicknamed cobalt. “You can take cobalt to pick dad up at the airport”. Something I had picked up from Gone in 60 seconds that I found cool (naming cars, not cobalt)
My car is brown.
The first time I brought it home without telling my wife the color, she was unimpressed and said that it was “shart colored”.
We immediately named it “El Sharto”, and 5 years later the name has stuck
My first car was a green buick lasabre that I got from a relative. It was held together by duct tape and redneck engineering, and wasn’t even supposed to make it through high school. As a condition for receiving the car, I had to continue calling it the green hornet. Ever since, my cars have been named after a famous movie vehicle. My current car is a blue civic, so naturally I had to name it the bluesmobile
My last car was named Alice after the “Alice in Chains” mix cd that was left in the cd changer when I bought it.
My current car isn’t named, because I think it might be cursed and I don’t want to give any more power to it.
I stopped naming inanimate objects after I named a bong and it got destroyed on the first day 😞😭
The uterous. It’s a ute.
mother trucker
It must feel rejuvenating coming out of it every day
My current car is named Moxxi, after Mad Moxxi
Haha, I was reading through these and realized we both named our catch a rides after a borderlands theme. Mine is Hyperion, or hype for short.
I had a red Veloster I called Swordfish And my friends called my blue Civic “Bad Wolf”
My first car was named “Safely”. Regardless of the quality of my driving, I was driving Safely.
My current car is Carefully.
Wait, what happened to Safely ?
I guess they were driving Safely, but not carefully
We own a VW Polo and called it Pollie. Then I got a newer Polo, company car. We called it Marc, as in Marc-O-Polo
I have a bright orange Subaru Crosstrek named Poppy.
Same car! I covered her with stickers and vinyls. Her name is Lydia the Tattooed Subie.
Nope. East coast.
lol fair. My Subaru and I just migrated from Colorado to the east coast. Your description made me miss home.
I had a black Citroen C4 I called Marxine, from Karl Marx plus making it sound feminine and french lol.
We have a purple c4 cactus we named Jean Pierre as he’s French.
I had an Impala that I named Vlad, so it was “Vlad the Impala”.
Huh. Naming a car, the model name of a completely different brand of car, a model which was contemporary with your car, would be very confusing to me.
You can take cobalt
“But you don’t have a cobalt.”
I do this on purpose, to annoy any friend who catches a ride with me.
Walking up to my Ford Tempo, “I thought you drive a Cadillac?!”
“That’s a nickname.”
The Cobalt doesn’t really sell where I live, at least I have never seen one. I had to duckduckgo it
had a 2014 Chevy Cruze named Terry