I actually like a lot of classic rock (yes even Hotel California, that solo kicks ass) but there is a lot of bad classic rock too. What do you think the worst classic rock song is? What is the most overrated band or artist? I think Supertramp is mid at best, but Bob Seeger is truly dreadful.
Came here to post this
The Rolling Stones suck so much. They got two good songs to be sure, but they’re aggressively mid more often than not. Hell, there earlier stuff just reminds me that I could be listening to far better black artists who were their contemporaries.
Paint it Black is the only song of theirs that I still listen to regularly and enjoy
Beast of Burden and Mother’s Little Helper are pretty good
“(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” would have been an infinitely better song if it were about Keef wanting to have a pistol duel at dawn with random people from the ad industry
Nonsense. The Stones are the shit and I will die on this hill. Have you ever listened to Exile on Main Street? I guess you never got your rocks off.
They have some good stuff, but most of their tunes have me thinking, "damn, I’d rather listen to some Link Wray or Lead Belly.
I’m assuming one of the two good songs is Dancing In The Street ft. David Bowie?
They’re fairly mid, but I gotta respect how long they’ve been going.
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I was in rehab with Steven Tyler. At the time Applebees was using Sweet Emotion in an ad. When I bumped into him in the chow line I was like “holy shit, you’re the guy from the Applebees commercial!” He didn’t think it was as funny as I did and refused to talk to me for the next two weeks.
Lmfao you rule, I bet he still thinks about that and gets mad
The funniest part was that right before he checked himself in, he tried to pivot to country music. The song was called Red White and You or some dumb shit. I have a feeling it didn’t go well.
I can’t name a single Mötley Crüe song but I can’t imagine they’re any good
Dr. Feelgood is the only song of theirs I still listen to.
Motley crue also has that song where they make the guitar sound like the gearbox of a car, which is pretty cool
but hey, at least we still have White Snake
Sweet Child o’ Mine is great though.
An ex of mine asked me when we were still together that if we broke up for me to show up to her funeral riding a hog and play that on a stereo outside her service. She probably forgot she told me that but I’m gonna do it.
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No worries. I called her “bitter baby”.
There’s a band I listened to in high school with a really good song (not really rock though) that heavily sampled the opening riff from Hell’s Bells. AC/DC grinds my gears in general, but Hell’s Bells still hits for me. I’m like 50/50 on whether I’d still have any appreciation for the song if I hadn’t heard that great pseudo-cover.
Isn’t Aerosmith a one-hit-wonder? I actually do think Dream On is a good song, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard a single other thing they’ve done.
“Love in an Elevator,” “Water Song/Janie’s Got a Gun,” the song from Armageddon, the one with Run DMC, “Dude (Looks Like a Lady),” “Toys in the Attic,” “Pink,” “Sweet Emotion” all had to have at least hit gold/top 40 given how many times I’ve heard them played ad nauseam during various summer and from teenagers’ bedrooms over the course of my life. Also they have a roller coaster at Disney World.
Please teach me your secret ninja wizard ways of going through life without hearing any Aerosmith.
Please teach me your secret ninja wizard ways of going through life without hearing any Aerosmith.
Well for me it’s pretty simple, don’t have friends and don’t have social hobbies in real life. Nobody’s blasting any aerosmith at you in the grocery store or in a video game, and nobody’s blasting aerosmith at you while you go for a walk or plant tomatoes or read a book.
I’m sure I’ve heard an aerosmith song or two but probably no more than that, and definitely couldn’t identify even one.
Haha! You wanna know how bad off I am about this (and probably my whole generation)? As soon as you mentioned “video game” I immediately remembered Revolution X, the Aerosmith video game where you went from place to place shooting fascist super cops while being blasted with Aerosmith music as you save band members and “music and freedom as a whole.” It was at every skate rink and pizza joint. Help I’m drowning!
Dude Looks Like a Lady is horrific and I hate hearing that come on the radio but I had no idea it was Aerosmith. I’ve heard Jamie’s Got a Gun too but not enough to have a reaction, also did not know that was them. I might recognize the others too but not by name and I’m now thinking maybe I’ll keep it that way. Dream On is still pretty good though.
Well, we’re all blessed with there not being anymore song from them now that Steve Tyler’s vocal cords exploded on stage a few weeks ago.
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I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Where’s that tweet about being pumped to see KISS with their badass facepaint and them going “I WANNA ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT 😜AND PARTY EVERYDAY”
God that song fucking sucks
It’s a fun chorus but then it’s just that chorus for the entire song
The Beatles. I actually love a lot of their B sides and early material, but I think I’ve just been over-exposed to their “main” catalogue. Although, truth be told, I could probably say the same for almost any classic rock band, except for maybe CCR. Classic rock bands just get over-hyped as the most amazing band in the world, but when you don’t feel the same, it ends up creating a huge disconnect.
There used to be a pub near my house with the entire White Album on the digital jukebox thing they had.
I used to request Revolution 9 every single time when I’m walking past or leaving the pub.
It took them 4 months to remove it from the system.
We do a little trolling
number 9
number 9
number 9
number 9
The only album of theirs I really like is Rubber Soul, the rest is mostly overrated.
The Beatles aren’t overrated, what are you talking about? They were pivotal in shaping large amounts of both modern music and the modern music industry.
Just say you don’t like them lmaoI don’t like them at all and they’re overrated as well.
I disagree
me too! did we just become best friends?
We have a lot in common, but sadly you’re going to have to kill my current best friend to take his place (its Paul McCartney)
do you know where he lives by chance?
They were hardly the only band experimenting with their sound at the time, especially their later albums. They are not bad albums, I do find them enjoyable (apart for the often too silly lyrics). Though the influence on the music industry is indeed undeniable.
I must however admit to disliking “psychedelic” music, be it pop or rock.
I used to feel like Rubber Soul was their best album, and their later albums were overrated.
Then I stopped listening to them for a long long time. And after revisiting their discography I’ve come to appreciate Abbey Road more and more.
Even Magical Mystery Tour that I hated I kinda like now tbh.
I still hate Sgt. Pepper’s tho.
I like a lot of the stuff but the 2 minute chorus lines and the “end the song by way of a minute long fade out” is grating.
That said I see a lot of use of the word “overrated” in this thread. [Band] isn’t overrated, you just don’t like them. Like I don’t like Bruce Springsteens music, but there’s a reason why he’s called The Boss.
The absolute worst is when the ending is the clear best part of the song, but the band doesn’t know how to end it so they just fade it out. Fading out the climax of the song! Wtf
Also, and this is more a 70s/80s thing, very long solos in a song that’s more of a dance bop. I am specifically looking at you Ian Dury and your song “Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick”
Looking at you Sunglasses at Night. I only recently discovered that there’s a version that includes the full guitar solo, but that never gets radio play
If it doesn’t have a six minute long drum solo 75 seconds in to a three minute long song I don’t want it.
“Hey kids wanna hear me make my guitar go weeeoweoweeeeooo for about two minutes”
“Wanna hear me do it again?”I am a solo hater
[Band] isn’t overrated, you just don’t like them.
that’s literally what overrated means
It literally doesn’t. You can like something and still find it overrated, you can dislike something and find it underrated. These words refer to your view of the broader cultural valuation of something, not your personal tastes.
Saying “I don’t like ramen” isn’t the same as saying “ramen is overrated”
yes, it does. to say something is overrated is to acknowledge that the consensus is x and that you don’t believe that it should be because you think that the majority of people have misjudged the thing in question as being better than it is. in other words, that you don’t like it as much as most people.
just because you don’t like the word "overrated’ doesn’t mean you can just define it out of existence lol
To say something is overrated is to acknowledge that the consensus is x and that you don’t believe that it should be because you think that the majority of people have misjudged the thing in question as being better than it is.
Yeah, that’s not the same as disliking something. Just because both words indicate some negative quality doesn’t mean they have same meaning. I also disagree about it being “better than it is”. Overrated can refer to a lot of things - How important something is, how good it is, how influential it is, how approachable it is, and so on and so forth.
just because you don’t like the word "overrated’ doesn’t mean you can just define it out of existence lol.
I don’t think the word is overrated, I just think it’s underrated to actually use the words for what they mean. Its overrated to use the word overrated when what you mean is that you don’t like something.
“I like breaking bad, but I do think it’s overrated” is a completely normal sentence.
in what context would you find it applicable to call something “overrated” if you don’t believe that word is applicable when you’re saying that you think a thing that is broadly considered to be good is actually bad? because I genuinely cannot conceive of another context in which the word "overrated’ could be accurately used. from my perspective you sound like you’ve invented a completely incomprehensible topic to argue about because you think the word “overrated” sucks and it makes you feel superior to people who use it. it would be like if i suddenly decided that your use of the word “negative” is invalid, actually the only valid use of the word “negative” is the photography related noun, the word you mean to use is “bad”
saying that you think a thing that is broadly considered to be good is actually bad?
That’s not what you’re saying when you’re saying something is overrated. By your own definition you are saying it isn’t as good as people say it is. By my definition it is saying something is less of a certain positive quality than people say it is. Neither of these definitions are the same as saying something is bad.
you think the word “overrated” sucks.
Who is the one inventing arguments here? I’ve never said the word overrated sucks and I have already answered this point in my previous reply.
it makes you feel superior to people who use it.
I feel like you’re projecting a lot of negative assumptions on to me based on nothing.
it would be like if i suddenly decided that your use of the word “negative” is invalid, actually the only valid use of the word “negative” is the photography related noun.
Except for the fact that “overrated” isn’t a synonym for “I don’t like it” or “bad”.
in what context would you find it applicable to call something “overrated”
You got an example at the very first thing I posted: “I don’t like Bruce Springsteens music, but there is a reason he’s called The Boss”. I don’t see why you’re saying you can’t fathom any sayings, when that’s right there. Here’s two more anyway.
“I like falafel, but I think it’s overrated. So many people say it’s their favourite food, which, like, it’s good, but it’s not that good”
“I know it’s wayyy overrated, but my favourite series is Breaking Bad. It’s not groundbreaking or anything, but I still like it.”
These are completely rational sentences.
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Let’s agree: Carry on Wayward Son is the best classic rock song. Like all good classic rock it also falls on the proggy side of things.
The guitar players in Kansas were cool. They couldn’t afford guitar straps so they stole horse halters and used those.
Is progrock just classic rock that’s good?
I think you’re on to something
Nope. Punk came around for a reason.
Have to disagree. “Rock Band” killed that one for me.
The horse with no name song is straight up torture.
Also, I don’t get classic rock radio. I know every song and I hate the genre. My entire passenger experience in an automobile has had a classic rock soundtrack. The same 100 songs everyday for like 25 years caused me damage.
This is an unspoken drawback of car culture.
Terrible CDs or terrible radio.
For the longest time I was ~9 minutes away from work by foot and I guess I can’t relate to people who have to commute twice that long in a car.
That’s my experience with most radio. Same 20 songs repeated forever.
and some people like my partner LOVE it. She refuses to like anything that hasn’t been played to death on the radio.
Yup Horse With No Name is on my job’s playlist (retail), I hate when that comes on.
116 new comments
Damn, Gen X is getting blown the fuck out
The least loved people of history
Nah, most people seem to find Gen X weird and cute. Everyone hates millennials the most. Even millennials hate millennials.
Give it time, more and more people are coming around on gen X being worse boomers
Smh classic rock used to be boomer-era. In a few years it’ll encompass green day and then I’ll know for sure that I am old
My local classic rock radio station played Welcome To The Black Parade.
It’s truly over, bros.
Dookie is for sure there. American idiot turned 20 a few weeks ago.
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What do you think the worst classic rock song is?
Jack & Diane
What is the most overrated band or artist?
I’ve never liked Van Halen
The day that I stopped listening to commercial radio was the day I was driving a delivery van, and Jack & Diane came on for the millionth time. Out of song fatigue, I hit a preset button to switch from the classic rock station to the adult contemporary station, but the song just kind of skipped a few seconds. Weird.
Confusion turned to horror, as I realized the truth: The adult contemporary station was also playing Jack & Diane almost in sync with the classic rock station.
That’s it. I’m done. No more commercial radio, with 7-minute ad breaks, and 40-song playlists, if they can’t even manage a different 40 songs on different stations.
Doesn’t help that Clearwater or Clearchannel or whatever bought out every station in America.
Oh yeah Jack and DIane has strong highschool fascist energy.
I have faith in the power of Don’t Stop Believin’ but I heard it at the wrong time a couple of days ago and I wanted to rip the walls apart. It’s just not a breakfast before work type of song.
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I was a bartender and we did karaoke and I heard that fucking song probably 3+ times a night and it’s even worse when the people can’t sing
It was because of Bones. I can almost guarantee it.
Gravity Falls had a fantastic in-show parody that Mabel sings at karaoke called “Don’t Start Un-Believing”.
I hate that period when the entire music industry got a yacht fixation. Come Sail Away, I’m Sailing Away, I’m Getting Closer To The Shore, I’ve Been Capsized By An Orca And Totally Deserved It.
Conceptually relsted: Jimmy Buffett. You built a cult out of aspiring to be a useless beach drunk. I guess it’s what you do after your fourth OUI and they take your boating licence.
Jimmy Buffet built a cult out of aspiring to be a useless beach drunk.
Whomst amongst us?
You built a cult out of aspiring to be a useless beach drunk.
That would probably be the least harmful cult ever
They used to be my favorite band in the world, but nowadays I think that Led Zeppelin is way, way overrated. IV is their best album and probably the only one that nowadays I can still listen to without skipping any songs, even Four Sticks (eh, actually, I’ll skip that one I think). When the Levee Breaks is the best song they’ve ever made.
The more and more I think about it, the more and more I think it’s John Bonham that’s the most important aspect of Led Zeppelin. Fool In The Rain, No Quarter, Kashmir, Moby Dick
Which is truly amazing because he was self taught on funk and jazz.
I think it’s John Bonham that’s the most important aspect of Led Zeppelin
100%, he was always the soul of the band. He’s, in fact, the reason why When the Levee Breaks is by far their best song.
zeppelin is good
i feel the same, also impressed by how much music they ripped
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Anyway, here’s Wonderwall
If Oasis is classic rock I’m going to need some clarification on what people think it is exactly
I really dislike that classic rock band called Imagine Dragons. Shit sucks
See I vibe with that, they do suck and they are classic rock.
Everything is rock, except for hip-hop (except for that one Run-DMC/Aerosmith song), and nothing is actually rock.
What about Weezer and weezy?
They’re pop
Idk they call 30+ year old cars classic. Wonderwall is 29
Just enjoying some classic rock bands: Nirvana, The Cure, Bikini Kill, Sonic Youth and My Bloody Valentine
I remember listening to the local Classic Rock station on the radio on January 1st 2000 and Nine Inch Nails’ Head Like a Hole began playing.
We’re ten years further away from the founding of Nirvana in 1987 than Nirvana’s founding was from that of the Beatles in 1960.
This argument really depends on if we define classic rock as “older stuff” along a rolling timeline, like classic cars, or if it describes a distinct era in cultural history, like classicism.
The only one that has any utility as definition is the latter imo. What’s the use of having a label for any rock act older than some arbitrary date?
I made that same argument about how retro games should be defined as games made before the advert of 3d when arcades were the dominant gaming platform, but people just want a term for “old games” without saying “old games.”
You were right, never back down
But does that genre descriptor-thing work when it’s one we have only been able to make looking back? Of course all genres are made retroactively, after there’s enough attention on a niche and enough of it for it to get it’s own little corner, but I feel like most bands are somewhat aware and agreeing on the “genre” of music they’re making, but - as far as I know - “classic rock” bands didn’t think they were making classic rock. They thought they were making [insert genre depending on band].
I am also under the impression that “classic rock” is a genre that’s a lot more malleable than most other genres - It’s been around for as long as I can recall and always just referred to “rock that’s 30+ years old that we couldn’t ever really fit into one specific definition”.
I agree it doesn’t have any real utility, but isn’t that most music genres? It’s all vibes based, like look at “punk” that is a mess of a descriptor too. How often is it a band, an album or even just a song fits cleanly into a genre? Personally I feel as though it’s much more common to hear people go “yeah it’s sort of a bluesy, poppy thing with a techno twist” in order to describe something
Genre is always messy, tbh. It’s the sort of thing that looks perfectly sensible from a distance but begins to break down almost instantaneously upon closer scrutiny. To get a little philosophical about it, it relies on the emphasis of commonality by flattening or ignoring difference. Even going by the stuff that basically everybody agrees is classic rock like say, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, how much do they have in common really? Is it more salient than their many differences?
That said while genre is a fiction ultimately, it should be a useful fiction. And classification by by perceived stylistic similarities, influences or artistic worldviews is more useful than simply lumping together every “rock” (itself a problematic genre) act prior to 1994
finally a classic rock radio station that’s tolerable
Sorry to say, that’s underground kid classic rock.
You’re thinking of The Minutemen
If you’re a college rock dj 34 years ago
That’s right
I wouldn’t call Cocteau Twins classic rock and they started in '79
Yeah cause they’re club bathroom fuck music. Totally different genre
True, true, I agree with that statement
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Well well well, look who’s back
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With time everything becomes classic rock
Classic rock is music I don’t like written before 1996 or, apparently, after 2017.