Fucking Steam always getting shittier with each update! Why can’t they be better like Microsoft’s XBox Store or DRM free like Epic Games?!
Comment from the alternate timeline
Crazy how Microsoft sold of their XBox brand to Sega, conserding that this single handetly made Sega the biggest video gaming company world wide!
This just hits hard
Can’t even get HL3 on an alternate timeline.
Rumor has it that HL3 or some other single player HL game is currently in the works!
We might be living in the timeline that gets HL3. A recent leak from a VA’s resume suggests that it might be in development.
Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.
Can we return to Aero? Is that too much to ask?
I’ve been long enough on this place that I know you can get similar effects on Linux
(not mine, found on image search)
first screenshot doesn’t look like aero at all tbh. second one more so. this is the most accurate port I know of tho https://gitgud.io/wackyideas/aerothemeplasma
i want to install plasma just for this now
Skip aero. Let’s go back to compiz fusion and deskcubes.
New KDE brought the cube back!
I’m rocking a desktop octagon with two monitors with all the fancy window animations on and still using less ram that windows on idle lol.
Have a look at Wayfire. It’s a Wayland compositor that implements a lot of the compiz effects/plugins. I recently found that but haven’t tried it myself as I don’t really care about wobbly windows and cubes as much as I did 15+ years ago when I first tried compiz as a teenager :D
Thanks, I hate it.
I try not to let my nostalgia get the better of me, but god damn I really miss when everything looked like this.
Maybe I’m older than you, but I preferred Windows XP style, it was better without the confusing ribbon bar.
deleted by creator
No, you don’t.
You miss who you were when everything looked like this.
You were young, you were discovering the internet like a new frontier, every new app you tried or new album you found or new comedy website was like discovering a new country. You could while away hours without responsibility or care or trauma, or at least nearly as much. You were not cynical and jaded yet.
Nostalgia isn’t a longing for when things were simpler, it is a longing for when you were simpler.
Yes. I understand that and I’m well aware of what you’re describing, that is why I said I try not to let my nostalgia get the better of me.
I’m saying I enjoy this aesthetic mainly for nostalgic reasons. I am not necessarily saying this is superior to current aesthetics, I am saying that I miss this era, and you are correct that it is more about me than the aesthetic itself.
That doesn’t mean this isn’t beautiful or pleasant in some way, and I don’t think it’s wrong to enjoy or explore older aesthetics even if it’s out of nostalgia.
I realize the way my comment was worded made it seem like a comment about the era rather than the aesthetic.
I’m with you - the nostalgia is fun. I installed https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95 as a joke, and I’m still using it a year later…
What kind of soulless psychopath leaves a window of this size unmaximized is the real question here. Also, a horizontal scrollbar in the main section, able to scroll maybe 8 pixels total to see some more of the glorious empty padding, could have been a nice touch as a consequence of the “unintended” window size.
I’m sure they didn’t think of the window police.
Oh fuck. We need themes on steam client
You can. They are called skins though.
Apparently official skin support no longer exists but Millennium for Steam looks like an unofficial tool that can be used for skins.
Yeah, I used to mess about with it but it became too much because Steam updates so damn much.
Poke 👉
Poke 👉
Poke 👉
Poke 👉
Poke 👉
Is that all you do?!
Hate it for the current day but gives off strong nostalgia vibes
can someone make this a thing somehow?
Didn’t Steam have skins/themes back in the day?
They’re still out there technically, but they get jankier every year. The new UI they released… last year? put the nail in the coffin for a lot of the fancy ones, but there are still options out there to skin your Steam UI.
I love how all the reactions to this are either “I love this” and “this is cursed beyond belief”
I personally would get a kick out of this as a skin for occasional use…
Oh man, that formatting nostalgia hit.
Can you do one of these for Windows 3.1 or 95? That would be sweet!
Honestly, I hate steam (the client) so much. I have a fair sized library of games that I never play because it’s just torture to me to start that abomination of a program. Why the fuck couldn’t they give it a simple, clean, elegant, native UI that doesn’t treat my battery with wanton disrespect?
Have a look at Playnite, it might be a better fit for you, also includes other stores.
Does it let me join lobbies off my steam friends? I’ll fucken drop the official client RIGHT NOW if it does.
Needs to be running on Linux to make it perfect.