Sounds like eggs have more rights than people in America
Sounds like eggs have more rights than people in America
Is this what Trump meant when he said “you won’t have to vote anymore”?
Assuming this actually leads to anything and we now have a functional US fab, wouldn’t this be the dawn of the $5,000 iPhone SE?
Imagine being the richest person in the world and still not having enough money to pay people.
Scroll down to the games description. There is usually a chart that shows what the different versions contain. I see it there for the Anno bundles.
I guess everyone is Antifa now
Armbands can be removed. Maybe tattoos instead?
This guy gets it.
Yes but if the original owner used the game with cheats/hacks/mods or if they cloned it and multiple people used it at the same time then that game cartridge would get flagged by Nintendo and banned. Maybe your Nintendo account gets banned, maybe the console doesn’t allow you to play it, or maybe the game doesn’t do online features anymore. Point is Nintendo decides what happens to your physical copy moving forward. At that point do you become an accomplice in getting others in trouble by reselling or take the L? After all it’s not like the game looks/feels any different despite being a banned game.
Except for the fact that Nintendo is doing exactly that on the switch. Physical games have a digital license embedded in the cartridge itself. In this way Nintendo can stop people from ripping games and sharing the backups with friends. With that said be careful when buying used switch games.
- Never reply to people you don’t know who seek you out, only seek out jobs.
Just want to add to this. Don’t take job postings at face value. There are also employment scams to be wary of. Verify as much of their info as you can before you give any PII. Just because you found them on a legit site, doesn’t mean that the job ad is real. The only thing stopping you from getting scammed is yourself. Stay vigilant.
I know that companies are people but can we focus on individuals with a heartbeat. Like anyone that attached their names to Project 2025. I’m sure there would be some overlap with the heritage foundation. And no, I’m not saying don’t do Trump.
Oh no, as if they’ll all vote Dem? Even if they did, Trump will win the next TOTALLY FREE AND FAIR election
99/1with 100%+ of votes.
The days of states rights are numbered.
You gotta salt the rim a little. It adds some kick that you wouldn’t get otherwise.
Checks and balances? Where we’re going, we don’t need checks balances
Do we remake School House Rock now or let him cook? I think this might be the administration that killed Bill.
Latino voter implies that they are citizens. So when they hear something like “stricter immigration laws” they think it doesn’t apply to them because they have the documentation that says they are citizens. But none of that matters when ICE pulls you over at gunpoint for looking illegal.