• TheBigBrother@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Women usually do that for social status, I mean, for women usually if there is money(specifically what money involves not exactly money as it) they don’t care about beauty.

    As a man at least for me you need to learn to appreciate women beyond their beauty, you need to experience going out with ugly women as part of knowing about women. The 98% of women function exactly the same way if you get used to go out with ugly women you will learn to go out with beautiful women.

    Think of beauty like something what will not last forever, the main point in women isn’t their beauty but other characteristics like support and followship

    Beauty isn’t everything what matters in a relationship, there are other things what each role do which compliment each other.

    Edit: I’m getting downvoted and maybe to oblivion because evidently there are people who know I’m saying the truth but they don’t like someone to do that.