Throughout life, the things you find important change. This is true for more than just physical attraction and what you look for in a partner. I think a lot of people, attractive or not, pair up with people that don’t fit their ideas about what is gorgeous. Everybody who doesn’t die young is going to get old and wrinkly, so if you want a good life partner, you’re going to have to prioritize personality traits and common interests over physical attractiveness, otherwise you’re going to end up paired up with somebody who doesn’t do it for you.
Throughout life, the things you find important change. This is true for more than just physical attraction and what you look for in a partner. I think a lot of people, attractive or not, pair up with people that don’t fit their ideas about what is gorgeous. Everybody who doesn’t die young is going to get old and wrinkly, so if you want a good life partner, you’re going to have to prioritize personality traits and common interests over physical attractiveness, otherwise you’re going to end up paired up with somebody who doesn’t do it for you.
they say looks are the first things to go. not great long term criteria.
I’m certainly not disagreeing with you, but let’s not overlook how protecting your skin from sun exposure can help as the years pile on.