Turning a big dial taht says “racism” - I don’t look back, only crank it up
“Why not just make the racism dial go to 10, and make 10 more racist?”
“Well, our racism dial goes to 11.”
“Republicans are weird!”
Normal behavior: supporting genocide, putting kids in cages
technically true for
Technically conservative behavior is also pretty normal for
I mean, yeah, this is “normal”. Bunch of bad shit is pretty fucking normal
no more half measures walter
you tankies may not like it, but this is what real harm reduction looks like
I didn’t think I could hate liberals more, but they’re doing a solid job of trying to convince me I was wrong.
Mrs. Harris took the advice of Business Insider and got a lot more racist. This is how you win the white vote.
Not sure if this is sarcasm, but if not, it’s exactly the opposite. Racists who believe bullshit around border stuff are already voting for Trump because they know he’s the most racist “mass deportation” guy.
If she wants the (still racist, maybe less vehemently) suburban liberals they have to totally backtrack on whatever the fuck Biden’s old, dumb ass was doing, and convince those racists, using the same rhetoric they did for… decades, that the Republicans are and have been lying about border crossing numbers, they’re lying about “migrant crime”, this is all a far right wing, racist, repeatedly used strategy to drum up fears and votes based on those fears.
That’s always been the strategy until Biden, I dunno I guess based on the horrible advice of his strategists?, pulled a 180 “oh, we’ll just out racist the racists!” And yes it will work to make Americans, especially whites, more racist. But it’s not gonna get votes. And the hypocrisy point doesn’t work either because if the point is “we caved to Trump and he didn’t take the bait! See he doesn’t care!” you’ve just effectively conceded that Trump was correct in 2016-now that Mexicans are rapists, murderers, etc. and we do need to mass deport immigrants. But the answer to that “problem” if you become convinced it’s true is still Trump. No matter what, if they go right wing, Trump is always there to be the better answer. It never works even from an electoral standpoint. Just makes everything worse.
Nah the dems’ value proposition is that they do the same things as republicans but “competent” and with less gauche rhetoric.
Yep, most prominent memory of that is John Kerry’s “we’ll do the Iraq war but better”. As an electoral strategy, it seems to maybe make a small difference, and isn’t the sort of thing they should be relying on, but that’s assuming that dems care about winning more than they care about being racist.
Obama’s smart vs dumb wars, fuck
Not sure if this is sarcasm, but if not, it’s exactly the opposite. Racists who believe bullshit around border stuff are already voting for Trump because they know he’s the most racist “mass deportation” guy.
Lib and sucdem parties all over the imperial core are doing the exact same thing. I fimrly believe they do not do this for the vote. This is climate fascism. These politicians know what is coming and they know they will not enact policies that could mitigate the havoc that is already wreaked upon tropical regions. So what they do instead is militarizing the borders in the Southern US and the Mediterranean further and further to keep out the millions of people that will soon live in areas that just aren’t habitable anymore.
I fimrly believe they do not do this for the vote. This is climate fascism
this right here.
Powerful words from Vice President Trump.
Never want to hear a liberal say shit about immigrants or kids in cages ever again. This shit is complete mask off liberalism. This whole fucking thing started as them trying to show repubs as hypocritical, while using immigrants and asylum seekers as a bargaining chip. Completely devoid of any concept of consequence to them.
It is truly just a political sport move. It is nothing more than to them than sport. Fucking disgusting fuck these cretins.
The democrats are a big tent party and YOU’RE NOT IN IT!
libs are so excited to put a cop in the white house
marg bar amrika
I really need to get off my ass and have that design printed on a trucker hat
Socdems: we can push Kamala left, only if you just vooote!
Also you cant push dems left without first giving them a supermajority. Until you give them all the power you cannot care who they are, only that they are D party.
Once we have all those Democrats we never even vetted in power, they will (of course) enact the legislation we leftists ask them to.
Ipso facto
ya tankies
There are few people more dangerous than fascists who have read Marx. How do we survive her presidency?
At least the Democrats wouldn’t round up the homeless and put migrants in cages! No Democrat would ever hold black men in prison for slave labor even after they are exonerated! No Democrat would support the genocide of Palestinians! Harm reduction!
She’s read Marx? I just thought her father did.
2019 Kamala Harris shamed by Jamaican father over pot-smoking joke
Kamala Harris made headlines last week when she joked in a radio interview that of course she smoked marijuana in her younger years: “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”
But the crack didn’t go over well with at least one Jamaican: Donald J. Harris, her father.
The elder Harris sent an unsolicited statement to Kingston-based Jamaica Global Online, for which the emeritus professor of economics at Stanford University wrote a recent essay on his family’s history.
“My dear departed grandmothers (whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics,” he wrote.
“Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty,” he added.
Kamala Harris’ campaign had no comment.
we got the wrong Harris
Reefer fiend treat defenders BTFO
“Harm Reduction”