I use f-droid to update the app. Didn’t see the recent updates and saw the failed build after a search.
This message seems significant(not sure tho):
No hash for gradle version 8.9! Exiting.
I don’t know much about programming… not sure whether this is an issue to be resolved from the side of Jerboa or F-droid. Had doubts whether I should inform of the issue in Jerboa’s github and sharing this here because of that.
F-droid seems to have done a recent cleanup of apps, focusing on non-foss stuff. Not sure if that has an effect, but sharing the info.
^Maybe related:
Builds of com.dessalines.thumbkey:96 and com.dessalines.rankmyfavs:11 seem to have failed too.
https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/build (The page lists failed builds at the end)
What? I don’t speak tech