I use f-droid to update the app. Didn’t see the recent updates and saw the failed build after a search.
This message seems significant(not sure tho):
No hash for gradle version 8.9! Exiting.
I don’t know much about programming… not sure whether this is an issue to be resolved from the side of Jerboa or F-droid. Had doubts whether I should inform of the issue in Jerboa’s github and sharing this here because of that.
F-droid seems to have done a recent cleanup of apps, focusing on non-foss stuff. Not sure if that has an effect, but sharing the info.
^Maybe related:
Builds of com.dessalines.thumbkey:96 and com.dessalines.rankmyfavs:11 seem to have failed too.
https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/build (The page lists failed builds at the end)
This is affecting about 5-10 apps, a few others besides mine. It’s a new gradle version checksum verification issue.
I asked about it, and it should get fixed in the next build cycle, sometime this week hopefully. I’ve been waiting to “announce” my new app until this one gets fixed.
In the meantime, I also put all my apps on izzyondroid, which are updated to the latest versions.
Thank you
I find that the F-Droid “system” is pretty opaque. There doesn’t seem to be any way that you can track a bug somewhere that a build is failing or who is working on it. Just the build fails and…hopefully someone realizes it and they’ll fix it at…some date in the future.
Checkout NeoStore. Which uses multiple sources. The izzyondroid repo is successfully building 0.0.70 and 0.0.71
IzzyOnDroid doesn’t build apps, but hosts apk’s of chosen apps from Github/Codeberg/Gitlab, right?
Yes, but it’s the app creators themselves who created those apks. Basically it swaps out trust for 3rd party packagers in for the open source app devs themselves.
Or droidify, it also adds izzyondroid by default.
Crowdstrike holding F-droid’s beer.
What? I don’t speak tech