A Ukrainian Neo-Nazi soldier visited the Auschwitz death camp wearing a shirt quoting Hitler in order to mock the camp’s victims. This is the type of truly fascist scum that billions and billions of US taxpayer dollars are going to fund and arm.
A Ukrainian Neo-Nazi soldier visited the Auschwitz death camp wearing a shirt quoting Hitler in order to mock the camp’s victims. This is the type of truly fascist scum that billions and billions of US taxpayer dollars are going to fund and arm.
Nice emoji. Is there some hidden message or it’s literally just a waste of bytes like this comment?
I liked even the other one TBH. That said, I don’t feel you are contributing much to the discussion. It’s not mandatory to do so, despite how much I enjoy the fun emojis.
lmao you’re not discussing anything, you’re just engaging in delusional nazi apologetics and whining about emojis, you’re a joke you get that right?
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Yap, yap, yap, wtf are you babbling about? We get it our emojis hurt your feelings good for you, but maybe figure out this isn’t your high school debate club dumbass, you defend nazis you’re not getting any “gOOd fAith dIsCuSSIoN” here, end of story
But by all means continue to cry and whine
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