civil war! civil war!
The left has been telling them to violently riot against poverty, death, genocide and they told us it was too extreme and a fairytale.
And in the end they do it because orange man is uncouth
They’re not going to kill anyone
They’ve not got the skills, talent or know-how
True, they’ll never fight against the status quo
the most they’ll do is rat us out
was neat
Hell yeah
Against your own family no less. Who in the actual fuck will even remotely consider that?
trans people won’t even do that, and they’re the ones being marked for genocide by the government
Speak for yourself? There’s nothing special about being blood related. I would absolutely do it, if I had any practical reason to, which I do not, would be a horrible decision. My family never loved me, after all, so I naturally am not inclined to extend them any special status or care.
people fought and killed their family members in the last civil war in the US. and in every civil war ever.
I will here reference lyrics from the song “we want freedom” by dead prez:
Yeah, yeah Imagine havin’ no runnin’ water to drink Chemicals contaminate the pipes leadin’ to your sink Just think, if the grocery stores close they doors And they saturate the streets with tanks and start martial law Would you be ready for civil war Could you take the life of somebody you know, Or have feelings for if necessary? I got cousins in the military But far as I’m concerned they died, when they registered
This gave my imagination of an angry pitchfork and torch welding crowd surrounding Lankey Kong.
Trump as Lankey Kong, lmao
Cranky Kong vs Lankey Kong 2024
Cranky Kong is a scientist don’t slander him like this
diddy, we need to cook
If you make me look at a political compass meme again I’ll fucking off you
Nooooooo but there are only 4 possible political economic systems my itty witty neoliberal brain can comprehend nnooooooo
Politics is not historical or materialist. it is a set of coordinates in an abstract space of n-dimensions. I will ask everyone to fill out their apology form to idealism
Pretty incredible how far gone the political discourse from the “adults in the room” has gotten.
That’s the point i think. It has turned into tribalism where you’re either with us or against us.
Libs have so little historical memory they’ve forgotten they’ve already had Trump in office and it wasn’t really that big of a deal
I mean they are all admittedly concerned about Project 2025 and tbh I think a second Trump term will be worse than the first.
Basically, everything The Heritage Foundation has been pushing for for decades is lined up to happen via a reclassification of federal positions and an internal purge of the executive bureaucracy. They have a shortlist of thousands of people ready to be appointed and start working on their agenda. Just really shifting into overdrive on the fascist rhetoric and policy.
At the rate Biden is adopting Trump policy, he’ll purge them himself anyway
Gotta be real, I have no idea what project 2025 is other than the next wave of ehstever libs are scared of.
Basically, Trump didn’t accomplish anything in his first term because he doesn’t know how government works, he didn’t know who to hire, and he’s personally difficult to work with. So the Federalist Society and a bunch of other chud think tanks wrote it all down as a step by step list for him.
This is a really good summary tbh
And they think he can follow a list?
The list has hamburgers and money bags at the end of each one.
Me when America panics about stuff as a not American:
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I think he accomplished a lot. he got 3 people on the supreme court and got roe vs wade overturned, for one. as well as all the other fucked up stuff the court has been doing lately. appointed a ton of fascist federal judges. and tons of other things that I dint feel like googling.
It really sounds like the liberals realized to some extent that the Republicans actually mean to wield power and will use elected office to entrench power so the next time They Win they’re gonna do A Bunch of That but instead of like also doing that to fuck them out of power while the democrats are in office they’re doing nothing but telling you we gotta VOTE to stop it. Which means EVERY ELECTION is gonna be like this UNTIL WE’RE DEAD because this project 2025 shit is literally just “what the republicans are gonna do next time they’re in power”
I’m sure they’ve stated how they would do anything different in a measurable way
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Also known as Democrat policy 10 years from now
But it has a scary name now!
Some big plan that will make America a “dictatorship” idk a lot about it either, but it’s basically more of what the Supreme Court is already doing.
It set off my liberal conspiracy alarm and I ignored it. My guess was that it’d be some technocratic fantasy about Trump doing the same thing either party has been shown to do. I couldn’t imagine voting for either of these creeps let alone carrying water for them. Inhad this game figured out at age 9 when the 2000 election happened. It’s not hard to figure out if you operate within the easily achievable framework that it’s all bullshit
The Project 2025 document outlines four main aims: restore the family as the centrepiece of American life; dismantle the administrative state; defend the nation’s sovereignty and borders; and secure God-given individual rights to live freely.
Lots of whistles and notably it also plans to end sustainable energy funding and go all-in on gas and coal, and end diversity laws to make it much easier to discriminate against people.
So, libs raising hysteria over the Republicans doing what the democrats would also do
No, DNC has a demonstrably better record on sustainable energy, LGBT rights, and women’s rights. You are completely removed from reality if you genuine believe what you just said.
I’m my experience saying anything true and not negative about Democrats means general cult-ish brainrot is going to come after me for being pro-genocide and supporting Biden. I still don’t support genocide or Biden. I don’t feel like I need to divorce myself from reality to explain why Democrats and Biden are bad.
Demonstrate that record to me
Here’s an easy one: states where abortion is legal vs states where abortion is illegal.
This last week tonight segment covers it:
I’ve read a little about Project 2025 (I don’t follow this stuff closely) and it seems bad. But how realistic is it? Aren’t there always frimge groups with bad/extremist ideas?
They weren’t prepared in 2020. Now they’re extra prepared with Project 2025. They were scrambling for bullets in 2020, now they’ll have a fully armed batallion if Trump is elected in 2025. Not only does he not have to worry about getting reelected and thereby has the freedom to do as he pleases (and now BONUS, he can’t be held accountable for any laws he breaks while in office), but Project 2025 is paving the way to keep him in office indefinitely.
I don’t want to live in Gilead.
(and now BONUS, he can’t be held accountable for any laws he breaks while in office)
He hasn’t been held accountable for anything
Anyway Project 2025 is just an extension of Biden’s already in place policies
Damn could you shut the fuck up please? Thanks
Let see, kill my friends and family or kill the cartoonish ghoul they’re voting for
If you live in the states espousing option 2 gets you a free visit with the lovely chaps who have been successfully killing leftists and leftist groups for decades.
Something something frozen peaches.
porque no los dos?
The depth being somewhat right on this is crazy
oh but when I say “riots are the language of the unheard,” I’m the violent one
Ignoring the ethics of this proposal.
Do you really think the tiny handful of Liberals willing to commit homicide against people they know personally for the sake of putting a slightly less awful POTUS in office is big enough to swing even the tightest of elections? Especially when you take the electoral college into consideration…
This is worse than advocating adventurism, this is Lib adventurism.
Lib adventurism
They’re gonna do a banquet campaign lmao
Best they can offer is a champagne banquet
I advocate lib adventurism because it will be funny to watch. I cheer no matter who dies, lib or chud.
Unfortunately every single time when lib goes adventure, the ones dying are leftists and minorities.
Tarn Adams of Dwarf Fortress fame made a wonderful little game about lib adventurism called Liberal Crime Squad. It’s like if you ported the energy of the 1800s Russian Narodniks onto the early 2000s Bush era liberal
Kill your meemaws
Assigned Male At Birth
All Meemaws Are Bastards
getting real real close to
i see
I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all
there would be roughly 1-2 millions people more responsible than your powerless chud family
We must murder our political opponents to prevent the descent into fascism
unironically true.
See the way the top-right frame has faded/darkened edges?
I thought it said ‘this is a titty-fucking fire’ for a while and was trying to work out the meaning
Referencing the the political compass should require a cw