So far we have three people that have made the same comment about not being the front view. I’m using copy comments as TP tomorrow.
Obviously designed in a place without deadly spiders.
Can you explain why this matters, for people who don’t live with deadly spiders?
In Australia spiders like to hang out in places like where the outer layer of TP sits as it is a good hiding place for them. Especially Red Backs. Huntsmen like it too but will only kill by a jump scare caused heart attack.
I’ve never been more glad that I don’t live in Australia than right now
To be fair we don’t have bears, wolves or rabies.
Bad design. Toilet paper not currently in use must be stored outside the bathroom so that it doesn’t become damp and musty from the humidity. As opposed to on the wet floor next to the dewy toilet. This is how you get a nasty fungal infection fyi
…Is your bathroom a swamp?
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
Patent got filed on double reverse patent day. Draw 4.
Not the best patent to use if you want to settle the debate. This one from Wheeler is the nail in the coffin: patent
It also shows why it was over and not under as at the time, the TP holder was a hanging wire, which kept the paper against the wall. Not protruding out like todays hangers.
The proper way to hang it, if you have cats, is the other way so they don’t bat it all off if the get access. This is why I do not have cats.
Just use water lmfao
I use both toilet paper and water
The inventor also said it’s “jif”, and I ain’t saying that either. Also, the patent doesn’t indicate whther that’s the front view or the back view. It’s displaying a roll in a vacuum.
You’re right, of course. Patent illustrations traditionally show the item only from behind.
Patent illustrators show the item in the way that is most useful to describe the patent.
Mounting is not illustrated.
I’ve never paid a single bit of attention to which way it goes on. I spit into the face of this entire debate and it’s never done me any harm to do so. I’m a cat owner too. The roll goes on either way, it’s fine, and I’ll never change my mind.
Someday if you ever live with another person you’ll figure it out.
I’m happily married. Has never once been an issue.