The clock strikes five
I start to laugh
I’m taking a shit
On time and a half
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”
If my body doesn’t like having so much sugar in it then why does it fucking crave it all the time
Some laptops come with that built in, or you could use some scotch tape and a little square of paper for free
If you want to start a business there, it’s actually pretty easy thanks to the Dutch American Friendship Treaty
All my coworkers voted R. It’s really, really hard to consider them allies in any sense.
I came to a bit of a realization some time ago. Every time you think of some possible new government function, or legislation, or resolution to an issue, you cynically think of every way it could be abused, right? You’re confident that greedy, self-aggrandizing politicians or businessmen will use it to further their own power and wealth. The concept that someone will act in good faith is absent. It’s infantile, it’s naive. The world is cruel.
I think this represents a fundamental breakdown of the trust in our government. The US has been coasting on good faith for almost 300 years, and the wheels are falling off. It’s a vicious cycle, where if you don’t trust that other people will do the right thing, you’re less likely to do the right thing yourself. I don’t know if this cycle can be ended, or even if it has an end.
There’s a program called Forscan you can get that allows you to tweak that kind of thing in Ford vehicles. I don’t know if other makes have equivalent software.
Because I’ve never heard of De la Cruz, or any of the other third-party candidates that people keep espousing. And even if I had, my vote would be split among the other dozen candidates. That’s the fundamental problem with anyone left of the Democrat party - they’re not unified. Everyone seems to have a different idea of what would be best, everyone seems to have a different favorite candidate. Now all the votes that might have gone D are lost in the noise, while the R’s just fall in line like they always do.
Moscow ID is a college town though, and is quite left-leaning because of that and the proximity with Pullman WA, another college town.
What I keep getting held up on is that if the science keeps pointing toward the same conclusion, how do you actually apply those to society? How to you convince the voting masses to institute these changes? Because the average person won’t accept repealing things like three strikes and minimum sentencing, they just assume that a “tough on crime” attitude is the way to go. If a politician comes along offering justice system reform, he’d never make it into office because people would assume he’d be letting criminals run rampant unpunished.
Related, I’ve heard people argue against UBI by saying that it would just make people lazy and not want to work at all.
At my workplace, the response time for text-based messages (eg via Teams) varies wildly. Sometimes I get a response promptly. Sometimes it’s same day, sometimes it’s later that week, and sometimes I don’t get a response at all. So unfortunately the best way to get an answer I need is to just call them. Do I need that information that instant? Not necessarily, but I can’t risk the message being put off/ignored/forgotten for a week or more.
Oh my god feta is amazing, why have I never thought about adding it to pizza
How do you build a system that doesn’t depend on voters not being morons? Everything I can think of, up to and including full-on authoritarianism, has human shittiness as a glaring weak point. The founding fathers assumed that people would, for the most part, act in good faith, and it kept us going for a couple hundred years, but all that is starting to fall apart.
That’s fair, and if you work in an environment where people are responsive to emails, that’s great. Unfortunately I work with a bunch of dinosaurs who would almost prefer a Western Express telegram over an email. I’ve had to physically go to their office and knock on their door to get shit done sometimes.
I’m someone who does this, and let me explain why.
It’s so you don’t have any excuse to ignore me. When I need an answer for something, if I send you an email, you’re going to either lose it in that jungle you call an inbox, or put it aside as “something to get to later” and inevitably forget about it. So I’ll just cut through all that and give you a call directly. If you don’t answer your desk phone, I’ll call your cell phone. I’ll get my answer one way or another, then it’s done. I don’t have to continually pester you with emails or delay things. One and done.
A pizza shouldn’t require you to fold it in half to eat it. I didn’t ask for a sheet of paper with cheese on it.
Fresh motor oil smells amazing imo. Kinda earthy
A featherless biped