[CW: Sinophobia/Islamophobia]
Holy shit, death to America
The US military seems to have a particular vendetta against Muslims getting vaccinated, remember when they used a polio vaccine campaign in Pakistan to collect mass genetic materials in order to try and get a genetic match for Bin Laden?
a fake polio vaccine campaign, when they could have just used a real polio vaccine. just pure sadism
Kind of islamophobia too
You’re right, I fixed the warning to include
What in the actual fuck
And Americans still wonder why everyone not from the “international community” hate their fucking guts.
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CIA memelords so bad they use
The Pentagon is a terror organization.
A senior Defense Department official acknowledged the U.S. military engaged in secret propaganda to disparage China’s vaccine in the developing world
Not that this is a revelation, but it confirms the US would still sooner see millions die rather than let China have any influence (or impact western vaccine profits).
Article also makes it clear that Facebook knew about this, and that the Pentagon has recently given the same contractor half a billion to do more of this shit. All the “cyber troll” accusations are mass projection, you really can’t trust anything.
I see that the time span between “leftist conspiracy theory” and being confirmed by western media as truth is no longer 50 years
I remember early in the pandemic when I was still on non-political boards’ politics sections and the most left leaning person there, who I got on with quite well, kept saying he was pissed at what he called Third Worldists who wanted a nation other than the US to find a cure. It already seemed stupid to complain about people merely wishing for China or idk even SA to find a vaccine that works, but he would get really firm about it when I asked “well if it has to be somebody wouldn’t it be better if it is someone who won’t try to use it as a cudgel?”
In hindsight I feel very vindicated, this is the exact shit that one could predict would happen. The US no matter who made a cure, would hold it over poor countrys’ heads and try to prevent usage of a vaccine if it is made by their enemies. You cannot hold the apolitical “I just hope someone, anyone, finds a vaccine” because we do not live in a world in which something so life-saving is going to be treated as property of all of humanity. It cannot be apolitical, it cannot be separated from the empire and its goals
well if it has to be somebody wouldn’t it be better if it is someone who won’t try to use it as a cudgel
non NATO countries when they don’t have a cudgel
Their cudgel is going to be disengaging economically from the farcical de-industrialized Western rump. The winds are blowing away from the American empire. Soon we’ll all be
and no one will be
The pentagon, and holding back humanity. Name a better duo.
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But I was told that all the free thinkers against the government were anti vax
This, like the tariffs on EVs, shows the US would rather people died than lose even a smidge of influence.
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The Chinese people are overwhelmingly supportive of the Chinese government
Westerners are fucking savages. Sort your own country out
Mind your own damn business you angloid gobshite
What means angloid?
A briton or someone of one of the places they settled (e.g. the US, Canada, Austalia, New Zealand, etc.). Probably white.
That utter bullshit distinction somehow excuses causing unnecessary deaths by spreading lies about a vaccine that could save lives? Is that what you’re trying to say? Go fuck yourself, you despicable ghoul.
Is this a fucking joke?
Go fuck yourself you racist anglo. People like you are the reason why east asians in the western shithole sphere gets targeted by racists.
Fuck you and mind your own damn business cracker, that’s what
Be honest you hate the people and the government
How about you go fuck yourself
Racist shithead
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Damn, I missed the cringe.
oh well that’s alright then