it’s literally insane the extent to which capitalism in the imperial core has devolved into having to actively convince capitalists to exploit you. because getting exploited is basically the only way to attend a food and a housing and a not fucking dying of exposure/the pigs. it genuinely makes no logical sense even by capitalist economic standards. yes reserve army of labor, yes exploitation of the proletariat, etc. but still. at the end of the day, they make no profit from me unless they get to exploit my labor time right?
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They want to exploit you but they want to be extra sure they can exploit you with the minimum amount of effort, training etc.
I get what you are saying, but your confusion comes from a misinterpretation of theory. They can make ‘profit’ without your labor, them holding land and speculative value assets can technically generate ‘profit’ for them if the market is scarce in those resources and demand is high, as they go up in valuation. What they cannot get from you is socially-productive labor, a.k.a. the labor that recreates society in such a way that speculative values can be actualized. However the problem is that the market for socially-productive labor ‘for the capitalist’ is satisfied by the labor market, they are always trying to shear the sheep, not kill it. The issue that we run into is that eventually the most profitable thing to do is only invest in finite goods, and all else is left to the wayside to rot and fester until those nessecery goods and services become commodities as well.
to be clear, i understand this. it’s more just that from the perspective of anyone but the capitalist, it seems nonsensical. obviously the most profitable thing to do is keep a reserve army of labor and marx talks about that.
When a wolf eats the sheep, both are salivating
If I lived in the town my parents grew up in under socialism I’d probably have been assigned to teach like high school physics/math/cs and coach the math olympiad team.
Some people pay for that
It’s all just so goddamn insulting. “Dance for me bitch and maybe ill decide youve been degraded enough for me to drink your blood. Dont forget to thank me for the privilege”
It is difficult for me to imagine what “personal liberty” is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment.
Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible.
Interview Between J. Stalin and Roy Howard, March 1, 1936
My interview to drive an amazon van was exactly one question long. “So… uh. Tell me about yourself?”
I have two degrees and a post graduate technical certification to do IT but bad things happened so I have no experience so I’m here to not be homeless
Unionize that John
so true catgirlforeskin. so true
Love to run into someone who goes “Well I got my dream job and it was so eeeeeeeeeeeasy, actually!” bully for you, fucker. Millions of us have to settle for something adjecent to our passion if we’re lucky and then the rest just have hope for fucking anything so as not to die homeless
As someone who just wanted to be a mathematician/physicist, heartbreaking to find out all of the adjacent jobs are a fucking nightmare. Well pay is good. But the options are like you make mildly evil excel spreadsheets, or you do interesting work that is evil evil.
Every math related job is either you operate the lever on the trolley problem or tie people to the track.
Oof. Or like. You’re solving the genuinely interesting problem of designing the switch for the track, along with the trolley itself. And as long as you don’t think about it beyond that, you can mostly convince yourself you’re in the clear.
STEM is so cooked it’s overwhelming sometimes. Really hope I can find something that doesn’t make me hate myself or others.
And how many of those people get that dream job only to be laid off a year or two down the road?
I seem to see people about that always have money and earn a decent wage …I have had numerous decent jobs, but just pay like shit. I’d love to know what they do different.
depends where you’re at… if you’re in california then they’re probably tech-bros, lawyers, doctors, or some high-faluten university professor or somethin
If they aren’t living with their parent or bunking with roommates, then honestly they’re probably just taking on crazy debt and just not talking about it.
This reminded me of an article I had sitting in my tabs.
You’re not getting the full picture. In the soviet union, if you were rich or powerful or well connected, you could freely pick jobs, which is obviously corruption
Why are you being booed? You’re right.
Corruption is a huge problem in any political system but the more centralized power a system allows for, the greater potential problems with corruption.
The USSR failed to deal with corruption which led to an entrenched bureaucrat class. China also suffered from a great deal of corruption after Deng’s reforms. Only with Xi’s anti corruption drives has it been reigned in.
The only way to deal with corruption is constant vigilance.
I don’t think I’m being booed. I think my scathing social commentary actually hit really good
I wanted to agree with you until you implicitly claimed that Xi fights corruption.
What I hear from my chineese friends is so insane. If you have kids, you can use subsidized kindergarten in China. But the trick here is that you either pay a fortune directly to the one’s pocket, or your kids do not receive a place there.
The example of grand corruption is Xi’s third term when he rewrote the constitution to make it possible.
Xi didn’t fight the corruption. He has redistributed it to benefit the right people while he was presenting it as a war on corruption.
Would you say corruption in modern China is worse than it was in the immediate aftermath of Deng’s reforms? On what basis?
I can believe your friends experience corruption, but I’m not sure how to compare what you’re saying to what existed before. The change over time would be a good way of knowing whether corruption is being reined in or not.
If you have kids, you can use subsidized kindergarten in China. But the trick here is that you either pay a fortune directly to the one’s pocket, or your kids do not receive a place there.
So if you have money you can send your kids to a private kindergarten which will be partially subsidized by the state? I don’t understand, this is how private school works in America as well.
Good thing that doesn’t happen in God’s America.
Fortunately this doesn’t happen anywhere in the world…except those bad countries like China and North Korea.