Please don’t. Just keep providing security updates for an extended time and don’t make Win 10 worse with these ‘features’ that are keeping people away from Win 11.
But muh platform growth!?!?! It just needs more AI, that’ll get the people upgrading
Nobody wants more AI.
From what I’ve seen, pretty much everyone from techies to the tech illiterate HATES AI Implementations. Yet corporations keep trying to shovel it down our throats. When are they going to admit no one wants this?
They are shoveling it down our throats because the corporations want it. The more they can get it to do without having to pay us poors, the more money they can keep in their pockets. AI has to mine data to learn, so they are trying to put it everywhere to learn. On your OS like copilot doesn’t just learn what you type in on a specific site, it learns EVERYTHING you type, everywhere. Then later, Microsoft doesn’t need to pay people writing code for them, doesn’t need to pay customer service reps. Then they can sell either copilot or its learned data to other companies. WE ARE NOT THE CUSTOMERS, WE ARE THE PRODUCT.
ANYHOOO, I have no idea how AI works, I am talking out my ass, but this is my tinfoil hat rant.
Yep the few people that say “with ai my job has improved” are the people that were shit at their job. Like a dude was so happy on linkedin about how great it is to have chatgpt do the analysis of some csv, it would have been soooo difficult with a spreadsheet…
I have copilot because my company is ms partner and we have all the GitHub stuff and whatnot. It’s only useful when creating mock tests and it creates values for variables. Stuff that before I was doing semi manually using a library to create the values during the test. Otherwise the suggestions are plain wrong or so convoluted (and I wouldn’t know if they are right because I don’t understand what’s happening) that I would never allow it in the codebase, it probably took some l337code/codegolf challenge as an example…
Another great ploy by Microsoft to increase Linux adoption.
I just dual booted Linux Mint yesterday when I was reminded of the Win 10 end of service date, and hope to keep with it as my main system.
Linux has come a long way with compatibility since I last tried it ~10 years ago. The fact that Steam games ran perfectly without an evening of configuring settings blew my mind.
Probably a sad attempt at adding “shiny” features to get people to upgrade to 11 once updates are no longer published for 10?
“We’ll get people hooked on these shiny features, 90% of which are not interesting. Then we’ll pull the update rug from under them. And bingo, they’ll upgrade!!”
Probably more like, “we’ll make Windows 10 indistinguishable from Windows 11, at which point people will have no reason to stick with Windows 10” (unless their computers can’t update to Windows 11, like my laptop)
Or maybe I’m just showing that I know nothing about how updates work and that I perhaps shouldn’t be commenting in a technology community…
Technically win 11 has the same main version number to win 10. They’re essentially different UIs with extra features in 11. There’s no technical reason why anything in 11 can’t be backported to 10 unless it requires a TPM (maybe)
Even 11 doesn’t require a TPM if you know what you’re doing.
Can I opt out?
Stubborn? Windows 11 does not support my older hardware. With no other reason to upgrade, I’m not dropping that kind of cash just for Windows 11.
Regardless, I fully migrated to Linux last year.
TF do they mean stubbornly popular? My windows 10 works perfectly fine and I have absolutely no reason to change anything about it. What is this weird ass ‘if you’re not upgrading, you’re being stubborn’ when there is no reason to and windows 11 looks ass on top of it
Bring back support for Windows 7 and Windows 10 will die overnight.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I can enable some TMP in my bios to give me “windows 11 compatibility” but I have no reason to do so. If I could chill on Windows 7 forever I would
Windows 10 isn’t popular. It’s just that windows 11 is crap in comparison. Release an OS that isn’t predicated on what’s good for ad revenue and Microsoft’s bottom line and everyone will upgrade.
One of the definitions of “popular” is going to blow your mind.
It’s almost like they’re trying to make people switch to Linux and kill PC gaming altogether. Luckily gaming on Linux has come pretty far.
I really wish the anticheat co.panies would get their stuff working on Linux. I know anticheats aren’t 100% effective but they are necessary, if you think it’s bad with them imagine without.
So they’re ending support but will use the remaining users like test guinea pigs.
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and yes, I know they are both based off Linux.
maybe pedantic, but macos is actually bsd based. chromeos being based off of actual linux(gentoo) is what has allowed them to slowly open it up to the point where you can actually install regular linux apps on it
I’ll just jump ship completely and use my Linux install 100% of the time. If I need to use a more mainstream OS for some stupid reason I’ll just use my Mac.
Linux is still not there for gaming, that’s what holds back most of the people who bitch about windows. People who just use windows to browse and do spreadsheets they don’t care.
I think PC gamers tend to overestimate their importance in OS distribution these days - gaming on Linux is just as passable these days as on Mac, and there’s much more to PC use than only gaming for 90% of users.
I feel that PC use is more complicated than gamers/productivity - but having switched over full time this year, Linux clearly has some work to do so the average user doesn’t need to touch the terminal - but even compared to 10 years ago its infinitely more capable and user friendly.
Customers of paid software need to start either voting with their feet meaningfully, or lobbying to get software support on Linux if they want it - complaining that titles aren’t available for Linux and then continuing to suffer through windows instead of making that known to the devs is seen exactly the same way - a sale.
I certainly miss some windows only software - but I’m not going to be held captive anymore for programmes I paid for, that refuse to consider my needs, when they are a part of my wider usage and expectations.
We don’t, there are a ton of online games that will not work on linux. I don’t know why this is hard to understand. I love linux, but I have my main rig for gaming running windows, because it’s easier and games just work on it.
Gaming is absolutely there, if you want to say something about anti cheat and whatnot that’s fair, but my gamescope enabled, AMD fsr utilizing arch install is performance parity to Windows 10, if not more performant. I’m not giving up that performance gain for an insanely small handful of games. You do you I guess.
Microsoft made a big mistake with Windows 10: it basically works fine.
That’s when an operating system is supposed to do. They make mistakes when they make it worse. Usually, the operating system starts worse and eventually gets tolerable. That happened with Windows 10. Initial versions were far inferior to Windows 7, but now it’s at a pretty good state. Windows 11 is a pile of fucking garbage. There is no compelling feature in Windows 11 that would make anyone want to upgrade. There are compelling reasons not to upgrade, such as advertising, menus that require more clicks to get the same shit done, forced use of Microsoft account, etc.
There’s also the fact that Windows 11 refuses to run unless you have a handful of specific hardware in your computer, such as TPM 2.0, and a relatively modern processor. There is no technical reason for this requirement, it was discovered very early on that if you override the check it will install and run just fine. But Microsoft seems determined to get people to throw away their older but still perfectly good computers.
That is a very big part of why Windows 10 is still so popular. If you have a computer from six or seven years ago that you’ve upgraded once or twice, it’s probably still perfectly good. No reason to throw it away for Windows 11 when you can keep on trucking with Windows 10.
I personally am quite grateful that my computer doesn’t meet the requirements, because that means I won’t be stealth-upgraded like happened with 10.