Fr at first I was like "ok that’s no so baa-AYO UNRAPABLE?!
the texture probably wouldn’t be great but it’d probably taste alright
Most language courses will have you learn the word woman before you learn female. Is this really an issue?
Yeah them at least changing their password is a sign of some tech literacy.
100% AI. There’s so many weird errors, people melding together, etc. Funnily enough, it put a very masculine head on a woman’s body, which is super ironic.
Because sometimes artists remember that they can make literally anything
it’s always reeked of pedophilia to me
It took them a day to realize they’re trans. The reblogs have timestamps.
From what I’ve seen, pretty much everyone from techies to the tech illiterate HATES AI Implementations. Yet corporations keep trying to shovel it down our throats. When are they going to admit no one wants this?
It’d make more sense if it was a pinwheel
I wonder what Texas will do when all the doctors leave to work in states that won’t arrest them for saving lives.
I legitimately can’t stop laughing at this omg
they hated him for speaking the truth
I understand wanting to share pictures of your trip and stuff, but if it’s such a compulsive need you wouldn’t be able to not do it, you’ve got issues.
Oh god have had people try this exact thing with me before.
AI wishes it could be as good as this
How about they get rid of the shitty dropshippers instead?