App store version is up.
If you are on, you need to update your JWT token. Sorry, this was not intuitive and there is no proper error message. This is my fault and we seriously just never got around to this.
Please go to “Manage Accounts” and then tap your account. Hit “Edit Account”, enter your password, then hit save. You should be back up and running.
What’s with the Memmy release notes on the App Store? I think you meant to say, “Various bug fixes and improvements” 😜
Noooooooo, more details is good!
“We’ve squashed some bugs….”
Ugh no
I’m on lemmy world and I’ve had to re-save my credentials 3 times today. I’m ok with that, but curious if I should expect this to keep happening, or if I should report this somewhere.
This has nothing to do with Memmy, but was a result of them invalidating JWTs because of the incdient that happened last night. Regardless, I will make it more intuitive now and just re-authenticate you.
I understand it wasn’t a Memmy thing - I’m wondering if they’ve invalidated the JWTs every few hours today?
Oh I have no idea. I’ve only just sat down at the computer as I’ve been out all morning. Last I saw last night when I went to bed was that they had invalidated them and that was that. Whatever happened afterward I don’t know about. I wonder why that’s happening?
If I close out of the app and restart, I am forced to re-save credentials. This may be a them thing, but it’s a thing.
Oh jeez, now that’s odd. I wonder if they just are not actually getting saved in the app…that sounds like a more of us issue than them to be fair. Let me look.
Fyi: it’s the same for me. Every time the app is closed, when I reopen it I need to do the “edit account” trick to be officially logged in. In “profile” it shows my username, but in “traverse” it tells me I’m not subscribed to any community, and if I try to comment it tells me I need to log in.
Hopefully this info is useful.
The solution is to delete one’s account from Memmy then re-add it, but for that people need another account saved within the app (otherwise they don’t have the option to delete the first one.)
Just saying in case it can help you narrow down the problem.
You can also re-add your own existing account twice! No need to make a second one.
Awkward fix but a fix nonetheless, mine has been behaving fine all day
I think they did it twice
Same here. The fix only seems to last a few minutes before everything breaks and I need to re-save my credentials all over again.
Yep. Same here. Seems to be working better now. 🤞Not sure if they fixed the server, or if the updated client is working around it.
Good work! Things are feeling very snappy and smooth. If the following items can be implemented, I think Memmy will be my default Lemmy app!
Push notifications
Custom swipe actions
Direct messages
Subscriber count on communities search
I’m sure all these have been requested already though so I’m just waiting patiently for now :)
We already have push notifications :)
The other things are all on the todo list.
Just a heads up, I get stuck with this little loading wheel until I force quit the app when I try to enable notifications.
Yeah, for some reason I’ve been getting the same (even before this iOS update.)
Did anyone ever figure out to fix push notifications? I am having the same issue.
I turned mine on in the app successfully after the next App Store update, but based on me just seeing this comment now, it doesn’t look like they are working.
Same here
deleted by creator
I actually prefer the smaller default font size (using a 12 mini). But I’ve been using small white letters on a black background for a while now (previously on Apollo).
Default is too small for me too.
I go small. I like a challenge.
Me too. And I feel there should be a couple of bigger sizes beyond the ones available
Awww I really liked the old app icon. Can we get a retro option? :D
Thanks for the update though, loving it so far!
Me too
I love the new icon!
Yeah the new icon did kinda grow on me over the day. It however feels a bit more ‘generic’ and the old one really stood out. It also felt kinda old-school which I liked.
Would it be possible to add the original app icon back in as an option?
Anyone else still getting an error when downvoting?
You have to re-login
Should those of us in TestFlight keep using that version or should we start migrating to the app store app, I’m not sure how long having us there continues to benefit the team with continued development.
My understanding is that the test flight will always be available to test out updates prior to release. I believe right now both versions are the same.
Thanks for this post!
I am really enjoying the update so far.
I have been having an issue where when I go to traverse, none of my subreddits are listed, and the subscribed feed is filled with random groups I’m not subscribed to.
Updating the JWT token like you recommend fixes it, but FWIW, I have had to do it more than once since the update.
Let me see why you had to do it more than once. Really weird.
Looks like you might have figured it out below in your discussion with RustedSwitch! Thanks for the quick response.
Hey can you tell me: If you force quit the app now, and open it back up. Do you have to sign in again?
Yeah it looks like I needed to sign in again for my subscriptions to appear after force quitting
Cool. I see the issue. Thanks.
Presuming you are looking for others to confirm, but I can still repro on demand.
Yessss, I can finally load all the other comments when viewing my own comments!
I think I found a bug. If you force close Memmy you have to re-enter your password on your account to see saved posts and post comments. I’ve been able to consistently reproduce the behavior.
Test comment…
The bug to set NEW as the default sort option for posts in the config menu is still be alive
I can’t seem to fix my account login. I retype my password, but it then complains about the username - but I can’t edit that and I’m not sure how to remove the account.
Any suggestions?
The easiest way is a reinstall (I literally just added the logout button now but won’t be on the App Store for about a day).
Else, you can add the account again in settings, then delete it. It will delete both accounts and you can sign in.
Thanks - just managed to sort it. I was logging in with my email before, but I noticed it was now asking for the username.
All sorted!
I’ve tried this too - but I get the same error when trying to login.
This update is so damn good oh my god BLESS YOU GKD
Content -> default sort will not update to “new” when I select “new” for some reason.
Nearly all my preferences reset with the update.