If Ukraine didn’t want to be invaded, it shouldn’t have dressed that way! Stupid sexy Ukraine.
If Ukraine didn’t want to be invaded, it shouldn’t have dressed that way! Stupid sexy Ukraine.
This is fair. But does it matter that there aren’t mere allegations that Ye is a Nazi?
Like. Drake is likely a skeeze, but Ye told us he’s a Nazi flat out.
The Switch was just the Wii U refined into something consumers actually wanted, rather than an innovation on its own.
I’d argue that Nintendo has always been pretty similar in terms of the amount of innovation they bring to their segment barring perhaps the quality of the Wii motion controls when launched and compared against similar attempts both by Nintendo and their competitors prior.
The Famicom / NES and the subsequent Super Famicom / SNES / N64 were just iterations on the same home console market for which Nintendo was far from the first to launch. The GameCube and the Wii shared a lot of DNA, with the motion controls really being the innovation. The Wii U, Switch, and Switch 2 seem to be a lineage of refinement as well.
In handhelds, they went from monochrome, to backlit monochrome, to backlit color, to two displays and some touch controls. You could argue that the 3D effect of the 3DS was innovative, but the allure of the feature died as soon as the industry realized the demand wasn’t there to keep developing it. Hardly as revolutionary as other competitors products, but more in touch with what their consumers wanted than their competitors, hence the market lasted longer for Nintendo than Sony with the PSP and Vita.
Ironically, the things Nintendo has done at the base system level that truly attempted to innovate have mostly been failures. The Virtual Boy was way ahead of its time, but the form factor was half baked and the eyestrain was horrendous. The Wii U was a success in that Nintendo learned what about the console was worth iterating on, but otherwise it was an abject failure as well because it didn’t offer enough to differentiate itself from the Wii.
For innovation to occur, there needs to be a predicating breakthrough in technology around which these companies can build a product. We’re in an age of rapid miniaturization and simultaneous increased power of integrated systems. It feels like more power = better, but this trajectory is going to yield new potential applications of technology in form factors that haven’t been fully explored yet. It’s just cyclical, and things take time to develop.
Plus - everything is slower when consumers demonstrate they’re satisfied with what the company is selling them. No need to dramatically change course when the current model is satisfying customers. The confluence of a new technology landscape and a dip in consumer enthusiasm for existing offerings is the typical spot for a hardware developer to innovate.
This is dramatically unlikely for FIDO2 MFA services. It’s possible, but would require the device you’re using to remain connected to both the vault and the attacker infrastructure long enough for the data to be scraped. It happens, but nowhere near as frequently as just stealing the login credentials and using them asynchronously from the origin.
The strawman here would mostly apply to high value targets, which most people aren’t. At the scale of the internet, most cybercriminals are going to pivot to stealing accounts that don’t require additional investment to harvest. It’s simple economics. Having MFA is an essential part of using the internet for anything you actually care about.
Strong passwords are rapidly becoming worthless when we’ve been building ever more powerful compute farms for several decades. What used to take months or even years to crack in 2010 can be done in seconds today. But all of that info neglects that it’s irrelevant because most passwords are lost due to social engineering, malicious software, or the leading cause…… password reuse.
This is a good thing. Any account you care about and don’t want to be accessed by anyone without your consent should have multifactor authentication enabled. Use an app like Google Authenticator or a hardware token like a Yubikey. 2FA through text or email is insecure and easily bypassed.
Friends don’t let friends raw dog the internet. Don’t be dumb and get your shit stolen. Use MFA everywhere.
What landslide? Why do people keep insisting that this was a resounding defeat? The margin was absolutely minuscule.
So what does Zuck do when Trump uses an exec order to stay the ban and pushes Republicans to reverse it?
Yes, but Trumps policies will only benefit Tesla both in the US and abroad. This news isn’t relevant outside of the US, where more than 50% of EVs sold in America are Teslas.
Your point is valid, but irrelevant.
They meant where this news matters, in the US. BYD currently cannot sell passenger vehicles in America.
That’s fair - I should have said major browsers to be more clear. Edited above.
The overwhelming majority of development to Chromium is done by Google and not the open source contributors to the project. Maintaining a browser is not something that can be done for free as a hobby. It requires an army of full-time developers to sustain.
Given all of the major browsers except Firefox are using Chromium, the best case scenario for spinning off Chrome is that Microsoft would pick up the lion’s share of development to keep Edge up to date.
This is the same reason that all of the major Linux distributions have large foundations to support them.
The DoJ would do less harm to the internet if they just forced Google to sell off Search instead. Then they’d be an advertising and cloud services company that happens to maintain a major browser to serve their ads.
This is the right take. This move would be so deleterious to the way the internet works on a foundational level at this point, it’s almost ridiculous. It would impact the world less if the courts forced google to sell off Search.
The idea of who might have the assets to acquire this company and be an organization that would be preferable to Google maintaining control of Chrome doesn’t conjure many candidates. The best case scenario would be Microsoft, and they aren’t buying a browser company.
Completely agree with you, fuck Google, fuck their monopolistic business practices, fuck their increasingly surveillance driven operating model, and fuck their gutless leadership for allowing their company to be reduced to an advertising enshittification factory after becoming so deeply ingrained in the way the internet is used that it became a verb.
I think it’s less that young white men actively supported Trump because the Dems didn’t pander to them, and more that young, upper-middle class, suburban white men were altogether uninspired to vote because in either scenario, they wagered they’d be okay.
The lesson seems to be a very clear and unfortunate rebuke of women as presidential candidates, but very specifically black women, as Harris seems to have gotten even less support in this demographic than Clinton did. It’s shameful, but I believe that if Newsom had been the nominee and ran a near identical campaign, Israel and all, that he’d likely be president elect today.
It’s the worms. 🤫
They may not have gotten the memo that he dropped out, though. 🧐
Electioneering is a hell of a drug.
But how do you get the average user, for whom the cost of licensing the OS is completely opaque, to even think about cost at all? The computer they bought comes with Windows or MacOS on it already. Neither of which currently has any additional recurring monetary cost to the user.
You’d need mass-market laptops and desktops coming with a Linux distribution tuned well enough to run Microsoft Office and Adobe products without any more work for the user than running them on Windows. It needs to come pre installed and work so well at the “prosumer” use cases that they aren’t constantly thinking about how much easier it was to run Windows. Doing that means the OEM has to do much more unit testing and compatibility checks to ensure that when the customer opens the box and goes to install Steam and Apex or whatever that it just works without any terminal work necessary. Add to that that the OEM will want support from the company that manages the OS, and suddenly the cost to license tried and true Windows vs almost any Linux distribution for end user workstations is nearly moot.
And to make a dent in gaming, there is still an ocean to cross in terms of driver readiness and ease of use. It’s coming along, no doubt, and Valve investing as heavily as they are in Linux gaming is sure to move the needle, but it will still be an area of difficulty for some time because the user experience needs to accommodate completely custom builds with unexpected hardware configurations and box-built gaming PCs that can be OE tested and configured and everything in between.
But those inexpensive phones most often don’t deliver a comparable device experience to the flagship devices. Honestly, this is the crux of things. Comparing iPhone to “Android” is a fool’s errand. Apple often only has one more budget conscious model available explicitly. But OS support tends to last longer on Apple devices, so multiple model years are viable at once.