Worst cocktail I ever had
Three Mile Island iced tea.
I’m gonna start serving those now. I guess I’ll swap the vodka and triple sec for Jager and Fireball
The layered shot craze is getting out of hand…
…as in a polyhedron with its sides numbered, commonly used in tabletop games or games of chance. Singular of “dice”.
Ahh. Thx!
I thought it was some pigment
Aaah that’s what it is!
Die, my darling. Don’t utter a single word 🎶
High point of Garage, Inc
I don’t think it’s any better than the original Misfits track. But I gotta give 'em credit for introducing me to Merciful Fate, Budgie, Diamond Head, and a couple others.
By my hand!
German for “the Bart, the”.
If that’s what it takes to prevent you from mixing milk and maple syrup…
Lamp oil, rope, bombs? You want it? It’s your’s my friend, as long as you have enough rubies.
Sorry link, I can’t give credit! Come back when you’re a little… Mmmm… richer!
TIL, ping pong balls, soda caps, beads, cherry tomatoes, and bolts are liquids.
At least you knew about dice and popcorn kernels
My momma ain’t raise no fool.
Should add some mercury on the bottom, for the bolt to float on top of.
I just did that last week for my son (he found it in a science book). The dish soap and water slowly mixed together into a single layer.
Next lesson: What is a surfactant?
They all will mix if you give them some time, except for the 2 oils.
Our version only had 5 layers:
- honey
- milk
- dish soap
- water
- vegetable oil
The jar stayed out for a week before we finally cleaned it up and in that time only the dish soap and water mixed (which happened within the first hour)
Pride month forbidden cocktail?
Weird, my uncle’s lucky dice keep sinking past the milk.
It knows where the luck is
I prefer this version
why is the water green
It was st paddy’s day
Ngl: this looks like something got mixed up.
- Vegetable Oils is clear? Never seen that in my life. Must be water
- Water is a strong green? Looks more like Dish Soap to me.
- Dish Soap is yellow? That looks like vegetable oil
Why should oil not be clear, almost colorless?
The oil has to be above the water.
Dish soap comes in any color. Water can be colored any way.
We know which one is milk. We know that dish soap is denser than water. We know oil is less dense than all of those. Does not leave at lot of wiggle room.
I’m guessing the water is dyed to make it visibly seperate
I’ve seen yellow dish soap in my local stores
Do you us’ians not get yellow coloured dish soap
The “DIE” feels a bit threatening
And isn’t it supposed to be “dye”
No the right side is objects. It’s a die (the 3 sides is showing in the milk).
Looks like some sort of north european language with it at first glance for me
Die pahpkern kehrnelll
Cursed Pousse-Caffe
Is that curdled milk? Cause the liquid dish soap I am buying is definitely denser than milk.
Do it.
Do it.
Something something googles ai search results will now suggest doing this under peer pressure
No, bolt.
Ok don’t actually