Ummmm… uhhhhh… Toasters!
That’s right toasters are reactionary! Using energy to make your bread crispy, bourgeoise decadence! Really all forms of baking are counter revolutionary, communists should only eat oatmeal!
Okay, fight about it.
Edit: we’ll now that enough people have commented, I want to make a snarky edit bemoaning the fact that anyone here would disagree with me. I’m really let down by this community for not validating ever take I have and will probably stop participating here for like two days before resuming posting as much as ever.
If you don’t make your morning toast over the flames of a burning cop car you’re a liberal.
No exceptions.Liking Vaporeon is reactionary.
Pokémon is reactionary. Catching animals to make them fight for human entertainment? Wtf?
So pissed that Vaporeon is forever associated with that meme now.
Hard agree, Vaporeon was one of my Elite 4 battle team and a long time favorite before anyone wanted to fuck it (back when literally 96% of pokemon were genderless). Now I can’t express that Vaporeon is a top 5 favorite without someone questioning my motives!
Do not click this link and do not scroll until you see Vaporeon
Elon why
The word reactionary us reactionary because it was “created” in reaction to reactionaries.
You made a solid point, oatmeal and cooked yeast should be the only allowed meal for subtropicaloids like most anglos
toaster? just use your oven lmao
Comrades! Are chairs not fascist!?
the revolution will be plotted on nice rugs and cushions!
I tried something like this when I was stoned a couple weeks ago over in badposting. I was going to argue that Hudson Bay is reactionary but fell asleep before I thought it out more.
toaster ovens are superior to toasters in every way except for taking up more counter space
Death to America
I’m already cluttering up this thread so I’ll keep it brief but if you have the option, a toaster oven that has an air fryer function makes it 100% justifiable imo.
air frying is just convection fam, most toaster ovens are gonna have that
Death to America
Nah toasters are fucking bullshit devices, you’re telling me that you seriously need a device that burns a specific type of bread which is already cooked an wrapped in plastic? y’all couldn’t fit this specific thing into a tool with multiple purposes? like I’m pretty sure you can toast toast bread using just a pan, extremely niche bullshit that until very recently I thought only existed in cartoons
I present the toaster oven
a specific type of bread which is already cooked an wrapped in plastic
the bread slicer has saved more proletarian labor-hours than the steam engine!
For real tho, I have a toaster oven that has an air fryer (and dehydrator!) function. I don’t have a toaster.
I think watt for watt it probably uses up a bit more electricity, but I’m not a big bread or toast guy anyway and my kitchen is tiny so I’m happy with my choice.
Let me tell you, though, buttering your bread before you toast it is one of life’s little luxuries that most people are oblivious to (except for when they bake individual slices of garlic bread). Shit gets borderline croissant-esque and if you hit the correct temp, fan speed, and distance from the elements you can actually brown your butter while you toast your bread which elevates it to an entirely different level. It’s the most gourmet toast ever.
(I think I’ve just argued for why toasters are proletarian and whatever the hell I’m doing is bougie.)
New struggle session: if food is tasty enough it hecomes bourgeois
I have a cheap used toaster that I use on rare occasions I just wanna eat toast. It’s faster and uses way less electricity but otherwise I’m using my oven.
Toaster ovens really are superior in every way.
You looked around you kitchen halfway through writing this post didn’t you?
Kitchens are reactionary, I only eat expired Maoist MREs.
But what if I freeze my bread for longevity and have to toast it to thaw it?
Refrigeration is reactionary too.
I’m just trying to stick it to the man by buying discount bread in bulk and freezing it to keep its freshness! They didn’t expect me to do that, they thought I would buy one because it’s expiring soon! Take that corporate pig dogs!
Oh yeah you want a hot take. You want to start shit? Rice cookers are bourgeois. Use a pot like Allah intended
Tongue condoms are reactionary. A real revolutionary eats the pussy raw.
Is that a thing?
I imagine Ben Shapiro types prefer them.
Dental dams do, if they count?
I have never used one or even know anyone who has.
I unironically agree with this one
i enjoy oatmeal thank you
Beanis is reactionary