Would you press it?
press button
Get million dollars
Wtf I thought this was the button that turns you into a girl
Money can be exchanged for many hormones
No, the chance of death isn’t high enough
Can always keep pressing until you get it, or just keep pressing to increase odds, these buttons usually allow multiple pushes.
sets up auto clicker
cuz you can only die once anyway, so you will end up with a chance approaching 100% of getting the money
Meanwhile, people who play Xcom refuse to press the button.
Can I throw a grenade at the button?
I don’t even walk out my front door unless I see full cover nearby
I know it says 100% chance to die.
I’m still pushin it.
I’m read like a book
So like every regular day waking up, but this time with the million dollar chance.
If you roll a 1% chance of dying every day, you don’t make it to your first birthday
I’m just incredible lucky
Damn, what is it like to be you?
My name is Bond, James Bond.
The big question is how many times to press it. Once at least is a given. It does specify the death as gruesome, so I don’t really want the death, but I’d also like enough money to not have to worry again until a non gruesome death.
Like, if it was painless death, I’d probably say something like 20 or 30 times, but with a gruesome one…maybe 5 max, or perhaps even less. Still, one or two pushes is a given.
5 presses would be enough to pay yourself 100k a year for 50 years + interest gained with a 95% chance of success. That’s what I’d go with.
It can be both gruesome and painless. Something where you wouldn’t even know what happened, but the person unlucky enough to clean up would be scarred for life.
As many times as I can before dying. The family gets the money, I’m gone. Win win.
Oh no! Family thinks it’s drugs money and gives it to the police!
Monkey paw strikes again.
Man you got a shitty family if they’ll give up your hard earned drug money
Only 1% chance of winning? Fuck no.
Swap those numbers and you got yourself a deal!
I’d absolutely press it once, because if I’m unlucky enough to hit a 1% on the first press, I think I’d rather just be dead anyway. That kinda bad luck will kill you in some other way.
That‘s… not how any of this works
If it was “die instantly,” then I would definitely press it. However, it says “die a gruesome death,” which kinda scares me, so I’m not sure if I would…
Death is gruesome. Even dying in your sleep is still gruesome.
In this context gruesome death means something violent and painful, think back to Final Destination or a Saw movie for some examples.
99 times
About 37% of getting 99 million dollars And 63% of dying
I’m pressing it multiple times until I get my gruesome death of being buried under a mountain of money.
Either way I deal with my dysphoria :3
Those are some absolutely beautiful odds if it’s a one off 1% chance of death by pressing the button! Sign me up, Scotty!