I can understand why all the other things would be listed here, and I would understand if sexuality in general was considered inappropriate for children, but why homosexuality in particular? This is strange to me.
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<!-- this line here -->
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Cos there are people who are not interested in homosexual stuff cos they are not homosexual?
Tha makes no sense unliss there was also a hetero tag for homosexuals to use.
Maybe it should be but as homosexuals are a minority in human nature I believe there is no point for developers to do it as they are more interested into making their software work for the majority of people.
Um, equality? Accessibility? Not siding with autocrats violating human rights?
Nah, let’s be honest, this is so that parents can make sure precious little Bobby doesn’t catch The Gay. LGBT themed cinema is going to let you know, this is for making sure there isn’t a trace of homosexuality to darken Bobby’s pure little heart.
I think it’s more about homosexuality being an anti-natural behavior, animal and human(as we are animals) females and males are meant to reproduce, so from the point of biology homosexuality goes against the reproductive needs of the specie to keep being alive. I believe it’s not about homosexuality being evil/bad or wrong.
At the same time the factor time-money it’s pretty relevant.so it’s more important developing for a general userbase than a minority userbase.
This is outright false. If there aren’t graphical or explicit illustrations that are deemed pornographic, then homosexuality and heterosexuality should enjoy the same status as encyclopedic knowledge. This is some “Don’t say gay” stuff.