Why doesn’t she just take her Harry potter money and remove herself from society on some private island or something? How damaged do you need to be to want to start fights with an already marginalised section of society? What a rubbish human being!
Honestly this is what I don’t understand about her, especially when her words and attitude go directly against the themes that the books she wrote outlined. For example, Hermione being called slurs like mudblood and the other characters sticking up for her. Hagrid who has to live with himself as part giant and is considered a threat by most of the wizarding world, but those who are close and know him, know that hes a kind hearted person.
In almost every instance where a character has to deal with something about themselves that’s different than the others, the lesson is that everyone should always accept who they are and that they’re valid in being who or what they are.
Instead in real life she just ignores all of this and just acts like a disgusting piece of shit, and you have to wonder how she even wrote these books when she lives her days talking and acting like this.
That’s the thing though - individuals learn to accept individuals as who they are. JKR establishes that there is systemic oppression in the wizarding world (house elf slavery is the big one, but it’s very explicit in the text that there are issues with goblins, centaurs and other magical races) - but does nothing to show that the systems have resolved/improved by the end of the series. Individuals learn lessons, but the system is inflexible.
The way that oppression is solved in the books is always through individual action. Even when the wizarding government is implementing policies harmful to muggle-norms/magical races, it’s portrayed as a bad person being bad because they are bad. Draco/Umbridge/Voldemort are individuals that we identify with the oppression itself, so the problem of dealing with wizard racism becomes the much simpler problem of dealing with The Bad Wizards.
This is something I’ll never understand. If I won the lottery tomorrow I’d disappear in a puff of smoke. You wouldn’t catch me dead making a Tweet about it, much less fighting people over random bullshit
It all comes back to “Drama Kids” from school. And I don’t mean people who love to spread drama, but I mean theater kids. They LOOOOVE the spotlight, hence why they went into theater. They crave the attention, and they’re willing to put themselves out there for it regardless.
You’re saying you’ve never met or known a theater person who wasn’t a total piece of shit? Because I’ve known a few myself. They’re the star of the show, regardless of what’s going on around them.
Why doesn’t she just take her Harry potter money and remove herself from society on some private island or something? How damaged do you need to be to want to start fights with an already marginalised section of society? What a rubbish human being!
Honestly this is what I don’t understand about her, especially when her words and attitude go directly against the themes that the books she wrote outlined. For example, Hermione being called slurs like mudblood and the other characters sticking up for her. Hagrid who has to live with himself as part giant and is considered a threat by most of the wizarding world, but those who are close and know him, know that hes a kind hearted person.
In almost every instance where a character has to deal with something about themselves that’s different than the others, the lesson is that everyone should always accept who they are and that they’re valid in being who or what they are.
Instead in real life she just ignores all of this and just acts like a disgusting piece of shit, and you have to wonder how she even wrote these books when she lives her days talking and acting like this.
That’s the thing though - individuals learn to accept individuals as who they are. JKR establishes that there is systemic oppression in the wizarding world (house elf slavery is the big one, but it’s very explicit in the text that there are issues with goblins, centaurs and other magical races) - but does nothing to show that the systems have resolved/improved by the end of the series. Individuals learn lessons, but the system is inflexible.
The way that oppression is solved in the books is always through individual action. Even when the wizarding government is implementing policies harmful to muggle-norms/magical races, it’s portrayed as a bad person being bad because they are bad. Draco/Umbridge/Voldemort are individuals that we identify with the oppression itself, so the problem of dealing with wizard racism becomes the much simpler problem of dealing with The Bad Wizards.
This is something I’ll never understand. If I won the lottery tomorrow I’d disappear in a puff of smoke. You wouldn’t catch me dead making a Tweet about it, much less fighting people over random bullshit
It all comes back to “Drama Kids” from school. And I don’t mean people who love to spread drama, but I mean theater kids. They LOOOOVE the spotlight, hence why they went into theater. They crave the attention, and they’re willing to put themselves out there for it regardless.
Oh yeah, those theater kids and their notorious disdain of LGBT and other marginalized groups.
You’re saying you’ve never met or known a theater person who wasn’t a total piece of shit? Because I’ve known a few myself. They’re the star of the show, regardless of what’s going on around them.
That’s what I’m talking about.
I believe the technical term you’re looking for is narcissist, “theater person” is bit of a broader metric.