In other news, Belgium has just solved Europe’s looming energy crisis by harnessing the kinetic energy of King Leopold turning in his grave.
Based department?
Damn, I’ll stop making for of Belgium for a day or two.
Let’s not go that far
Yeah just got eat a waffle instead, let’s not get ridiculous
Israel is also getting a suspicously high number of votes in last night’s semi-finale. Higher then even Ukraine since the war with hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees spread throughout Europe who got their act to win in 2022.
It’s so funny because if anybody watches this intercontinental embarrasment, the European Broadcast Union failson that “counts” the text message votes is treated with so much reverence every contest for a couple of minutes. If they don’t do anything about it and Israel wins the “public” vote then the contest will have likely have to be hosted in Israel the next year.
Europe is such a an embarrassment.
Mossad rigging Eurovision in the belief that it will change public opinion on an active genocide is the most Israeli thing ever
Well they did learn from America, and that kind of sounds like something the CIA would do lmao
The final score is split between the public vote and a panel of judges from every country. The votes you see from the presenters are the judges votes, then the televotes are added on at the end in reverse order, ending with the one who got the most votes from the public.
That’s in the final, in the semi-finals they just say who goes in the finals and then the scores are posted online after the final.
But the public vote can have a huge sway on these things toward the end on Saturday. The juries or whatever they are called are between a rock in a hard place. Their vote is shown country by country weighted like 1 to 12 and many countries broadcasters will be afraid of looking antisemitic compared to a potential tidal wave in the public vote.
yeah, usually the jury vote is more biased than the public vote, like the exact opposite of what they are supposed to be
12 points from montenegro for serbia!!! Yeah sorry literally the same country…
Nordic countries be like
Yes, please, write that down.
Hell yeah
Positive contributions of the Belgian people to society:
idk some yummy beer
Third one is for real though, China will have to do an operation paperclip before the fall of the EU to keep that shit going
Monasteries were a good idea because it gave dudes a couple centuries to just sit around and figure out beer
Critical support to 7th century monks for creating the idea of drinking your lunch
deleted by creator
I really don’t like beer except for this one belgian beer I got for my housemate for Christmas. It was 10% and easily the best beer I’ve ever had
You’re forgetting PTB-PVDA: the only marxist-leninst party in Europe with amazing poll numbers. Currently around second place (in a landscape with twelve parties) in the polls for the election in June.
One of my most firmly held convictions is that Belgian beer is thoroughly overrated.
They’re either too heavy or they have weird fucking flavors. Why the fuck do I want chocolate or cherry flavored beer? When have you ever drank a beer and thought “I would love to eat a bar of chocolate while I’m drinking this.”
No. Fuck no.
And even the non-Trappist beers are just ok, usually too heavy bodied.
Vedet is ok. That’s all.
worst take ive seen on this site ill fight you
Why are you booing I’m right
Imagine complaining about your beer being too heavy. Fam, that’s actual beer not some guys piss
Weird flavors are a sin though
Julien Lahaut is moldering in the grave, but his soul goes marching on