Genuinely curious. I keep thinking “it can’t get much worse without some kind of mass uprising” but the ability of the general population of Western states to just soak up suffering seems endless. Do you think we will actually see mass movements in the next decade or two? Or just slowly lurch into a void of ever-shittier liberalism?

By the West I mean like. Western Europe and the Anglosphere I guess.

  • RustCat [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Probably not, things have to get so unbelievably bad for the value of a revolution to outweigh the value of doing nothing and letting capitalism continue (the lure that things might get better, right?). Things also have to be really bad in the place where you are too, because so long as the facade of normalcy exists (even if it is degraded), then people will naturally come to the conclusion that such things cannot happen to them, and that they shouldn’t worry.

    For example, if the USA managed to provide fuel, electricity, internet, and treats (even if somewhat intermittently) right up until it collapsed, no significant portion of the population would want a revolution until after that all got taken away, and didn’t have the promise of being returned.