Genuinely curious. I keep thinking “it can’t get much worse without some kind of mass uprising” but the ability of the general population of Western states to just soak up suffering seems endless. Do you think we will actually see mass movements in the next decade or two? Or just slowly lurch into a void of ever-shittier liberalism?

By the West I mean like. Western Europe and the Anglosphere I guess.

  • newmou [he/him]
    11 months ago

    I think there will come a point where the consequences of climate change are so bad that it simply isn’t possible to do anything about it apart from collective organization and a communist way of life. I’m sure as ecosystems collapse certain countries like the US will become more fascist at that point, but a fascist construct with its inherent capitalist mode of production can’t deal with mass environmental calamity in the way that collectivism can. Seems to me that communism is inevitable because at some point it will start to mean whether or not our species can keep going. That feels pretty far off though, I doubt that’s an our lifetime thing