The early days of downloading were a fun time
I’ve told this story before it’s funny so I’ll repeat it… It was the early 2000s and I heard a song on the radio where a man made a bunch of funny sounds with his voice and the only lyrics I remembered were “I’m the scat man”. I was interested to see what else he made…
I went on to kazza and search “scat man”, found a video I assumed was a music video and downloaded… Several hours later (56k modem)…
My childhood was lost forever.
Skibidi before it was cool
Can definitely relate. Exploring made quick work of my childhood innocence
Now there’s a face I haven’t seen in a long time
Who is it?
Heather Harmon… or so my friend says anyway.
Hmm. Time to Google (I still don’t recognize her)
You’re in for a treat… Or so my friend says anyway.
Oooooh! I didn’t recognise her as a brunette! Now that brings back some memories…
Throat goat.
Shout to those who recognize that chick
How could you not recognize the OG throat GOAT?
I am almost 40, and have been a VP of Engineering at multiple silicon valley based tech companies. Still I have an uncle who I’m quite sure doesn’t trust me to touch any of his computers because in the 90s I definitely bricked more than a few of his PCs by fucking around and finding out.
Breaking a few eggs to make the omelette. Unfortunately for him it was his eggs.
this is exactly how I learned how to reinstall windows. fucking up my dad’s compaq
Where my eDonkey 2000 boys at‽
Right here, but we’re moving to Overnet.
Good to know some vestige of the old days lives on.
What I remember (I think it was the eDonkey software) was the ads were just photos in a folder.
What I did was found dummy ads, renamed them to the names of the legitimate ads, deleted the original ads, and set the folder to read only. All I ever saw were the joke ads.
Man, that brings me back. That and the software that would update your trackers automagically every x amount of minutes.
So many hours. So many music I downloaded from there.
I wonder if she’s aware about how many computers she’s taking part in destroying
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When Kazaa killed Kazaa Lite, I was upset until I got on Kazaa and downloaded Kazaa Lite.
god the anticipation of waiting for that download to finish
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