I see this way too often here on Lemmy, so I want to post this. Starting a commune is legal in most countries. If you believe in communism, you can found a commune and show us all how great it is.
You lack money? Well, that is literally what stock markets and venture capitalists (capitalism) are created to solve. If you are ready for an IPO, you can sell shares to raise funds. If you are not, you can get Venture Capital in exchange for shares until you are ready for an IPO.
Getting rid of capitalism means you need to find a different way to obtain funding for new ventures. And if your system relies on government charity (some government board handing you money) or taking resources violently, than your system sucks.
Edit: I don’t mean that this is a replacement for full communist system. I mean this as a way to get some of the advantages while showing sceptics (like me) it can work and is better. A first step.
Ah yes, the core definition of communism: a small farm offering a delusion of independence, which is run within a capitalist system.
Yep. That’s a real shit post
I haven’t seen a true shitpost in a while. This one is great lol
That’s the thing, and it’s by design: you can’t begin to imagine anything different. Maybe this will help?
Did you just suggest selling the means of production to the bourgeoisie to fund a commune? I… what?
No, I am saying that getting funding for new businesses is a necessary part of any economic system. It is clear to me how that works under capitalism. I have never seen a sane explanation on how that would work in democratic communism.
Ah, see, that’s a different question than how you get funding under communism under capitalism.
So what is the difference? How does it work under communism? Some planning committee? So when someone wants to make an independent news broadcast, episode of South Park, or Fuck the government T-Shirt, they need to ask the government commission?
What about more serious things like abortion pills, anti-conception, hormone therapy for transgender people, a religious symbol? You want to entrust almost every aspect of your life (everything you can get in exchange for your work) to a committee?
I’m not well read enough on communism to know smart people’s ideas there, but the way I see it it gives room for any system of experimentation the people want. Maybe you pitch your idea to the government instead of investors, and they give you resources. In a system with small markets, you can start in the market and, if it does well, get upgraded to governments operated. “Communism” doesn’t mean one thing, and there’s a lot of room for variety, do we could we decide to try one of these systems but then switch to another, allowing better adaptation than capitalism where profit is the only way.
I take hormone therapy for transgender people (hi, I am transgender people) and I’m already at the whims of the government. Perhaps a communist government might not make it free for me if the political climate said no, but as long as it’s not outright banned and there is some alternate system to the government’s plan, I could still get it. That’s not far off where I am now, actually (Florida). Perhaps we could write this sort of going around other government to some degree (perhaps by small market) into the constitution as a layer of safety.
I’ve been saying “let the government do [x]” a lot, and if you’re from a neoliberal country you might have heard “excessive bureaucracy”, but that’s a result of capitalism ruining your government. Government doesn’t have to be bad, nor even a monolith. Most forms of communism I’ve heard of have multiple levels, from committees covering broad country-level goals to committees on local-level details, each level getting a fair degree of autonomy. But also, you can talk to or even get on the committees! They’re made of citizens like you, and with no corporate interests or lobbying!
overall, i rate this post lmao/10. I wish i thought it was a joke.
Remember, OP: you are not immune to propoganda
I know I am not. But I am an engineer, so I am able to tell apart a workable plan and wishful thinking. I have never heard anything but wishful thinking from communism proponents. I know that does not mean a workable plan does not exist but I tend to not believe in things I see no evidence of.
I don’t think being an engineer makes you qualified in economics, politics, or sociology.
Sure, I don’t claim it does. But it makes me skilled enough to identify when a proposal is missing large parts that are needed to implement it.
You don’t even seem to know what communism is, seeing as you conflate it with socialism in another of your comments
No, I will readily admit I don’t even know what communism would be in practice beyond the vague nonsense people say like “collective ownership”. I have been trying to ask here for a few days now and didn’t really get anywhere.
That is exactly my criticism. From what I have seen, communism is not an implementable plan, it is a “politicians promise” of things being better without the rich with nothing backing that claim up.
Of course, feel free to prove me wrong by providing a link or an explanation. Or even better, by implementing it in reality on a smaller scale as the post challenges the readers to.
“collective ownership” is not vague. the simplest way to transform capitalism into socialism is to make every company a co-op and implement progressive tax policy.
;D Maybe if your understanding of economy does not go beyond people in factories make things :D
I mean, you have no right to act this clueless when the main post gives one of the issues away. Namely: How do you get investment for new companies?
Also, you are mixing communism and socialism. ;D Did you not even read the whole comment chain? How do you manage to do this when I was called out for this in the comment I was replying to? ;D