YSK plenty of cis men call themselves Alphas. I’ve never even associated the stereotype with trans people??
YSK plenty of cis men call themselves Alphas. I’ve never even associated the stereotype with trans people??
Truly, we live in a brociety.
If only not becoming an adult would keep all the non-indigestion problems away lol
This wasn’t someone’s RC chopper?? It was, like, a full military helicopter thing.
Ha. Reminds me of those spinny things you put above an infants crib.
It’s a lot more than one person- not his cult, but his cronies. We’re going to die because a bunch of dummies thought this would benefit them.
Yes. FUCK the poor. We need to send a strong message to them that it is NOT okay to choose to be homeless (/s)
A shallow grave- or wherever they’re gonna deport queer folk to, too.
I imagine, in the event no one ever knew, found out, or cared about the swap, then life would go on, just a bit more weird than before. I can’t imagine it in a modern society, even briefly. We have too many records of too many things. And beyond that, it’d depend on stuff like who they are and how long it’s been. Maybe on how readily both of them can convince people that they are mentally sound and worthy of respect. Who knows? That’d be wild.
Unrelated, but I think the fair folk used to swap infants out with ugly versions, or dying versions? Am I mixing up fairies and the UNSC again?
Respond to comments like this! I have a wealth of time saved up cuz of it
Well, would you believe 9/10 of them?
Fuck, that’s just exactly me. It’s an autism trait??
More and more, I approach wishing everyone was autistic lmao
Did you read… the rest of the words?
Finally, a way to feel like I’m helping without ever having to make contact with a disabled person (gross). Capitalism at its finest!
Alright, then. I’ve read, like, a few Python tutorials. I thought OOP was more of a way to do things if it makes sense to. Like using a for loop vs a while loop, just on like, a language and code structure level. I didn’t realize most people didn’t like it? I hardly even know what it is lol. It’s just that I’ve not heard someone explicitly be against it. I didn’t even consider it a thing people would be pro- or anti- lmao
Unrelated, I know, but I’m really interested in your antu-OOP-ness. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say they’re anti a concept like this yet
Haha good comic. Linus really speaks the truth when wondows says that haha funni.
I use Mint btw
Eclipses end, though. Being tipped over does not.