I hate that everything now is a subscription service instead of buying it and do whatever you want.
Other than the recent nonsense, this is why I cancelled Netflix and went back to pirating. Content leaves unexpectedly? Not on my Nas.
Shit that should be fucking illegal, this.
If they were not aware of it before buying then it is illegal.
You don’t actually need to be aware of it. Because you said you were aware of it, when you clicked Accept on the EULA, and on page 62 of the EULA it said they have the right to disable your printer remotely at any time and for any reason.
Every time I think printers can’t get any worse, they get worse.
What’s next? are they going to have to scan your anus to confirm that it’s actually you printing things? I shouldn’t give them ideas.
By the way, I’m sure there’s a way to get into the firmware of the printer to disconnect it from that centralized service.
nobody should support companies that place restrictions on their hardware for RANSOM
Printer company are one of the biggest legalized scammer we currently have. Out water and some ink they make huge amount of Profit.
They are the Definition of making Gold out of shit.
What the fuck is wrong with people? It’s been common knowledge that hp is trash for decades now. The whole idea of capitalism is that the bad products fail when customers go to the competitors who do a better job, but hp is not a monopoly and there are better competitors that exist, but people keep in buying HP because frankly, they are too fucking stupid. Capitalism is a lie because consumers are too stupid to pick the best products.
Capitalism leads to innovation they say! This is an innovation in a way some may say !
My mom’s Amazon Halo that counts steps just shut off because they ended the service. I do not trust anything that requires live service at this point.
Business class laser printers are where it’s at. I don’t get why people still buy inkjets.
It really does depend on the quantity you print and what you are printing. Some like my self only print a few pages a year. Ink also gives a much better finish when it comes to photo printing.
It’s so cool that we live in a world where you can 3d print a gun more reliably than you can 2d print an insurance card
Their laptops and desktops are terribly cheap too. Just avoid HP all together is everyone’s best bet.
buy laser printers. ink is pretty cheap and as we refill cartridge. i have a hp and and never suffer these subscription shit.
Fuck HP