Yeah, the US would never deprive kids of food
That’s different!! They could afford lunch of their parents weren’t lazy!!
I love how they can just lie like this (the dumb social credit propaganda) and anyone who calls them out on it is just called a bot
Ok Mr Chang. Go back to eating Commissar Michelle Obama’s fruit 🤣🤣
functionally it feels a lot like the Two-Minutes Hate from JorJor Wells’ 9084, ritual affirmation of in-group loyalty by demonizing the enemy
EDIT: also can’t help but be reminded of False Witnesses
despite being a cop and a snitch (or maybe because of it) orwell did have a good understanding of how to structure a modern fascist society into a sort of self-perpetuating stasis
most likely though his book is just so widely read by liberals it just became a textbook on how to manipulate social classes and it just so happens some of the techniques do work
amerikkkans are running out of children they can starve so they have to make up stories about starving children to get their fix
Meanwhile in amerikkka
students must go into debt to eat lunch. Children with poor parents who can’t pay back debt have to go hungry. Staff who show pity on hungering children are fired by the authoritarian capitalist school administration.
schools will publicly shame students
she was fired after she allowed a student to eat without paying their $8 lunch tab.
When I was in elementary school, the only reason I was able to eat despite not having money in my account some days was because the lunch lady was nice and waived me since she knew I would eventually put the funds in.
By middle school, they just stopped having a functional ID scanning machine despite giving us new IDs each year, and we would have to manually punch in our numbers
It’s great that you start out and you’re like +oooh the panopticon oooooh discipline and punish but then once you know what it is you realize it’s everywhere and it’s completely banal and miserable and there’s no romance to it, of course children are just a string of numbers to be indexed, monitored, and controlled.
if it were that… it would make more sense.
Its probably just trying to make sure that every cent that can be cut from the school breakfast/lunch program, is cut from the school breakfast/lunch program.
I live in Canada. When I was in school, if you didn’t have money or didn’t bring your own lunch you just didn’t eat.
Yeah we should just outright let them starve and/or put them into school lunch debt like in the god-loving freedom-enjoyin Murica.
In America, kids don’t eat.
I don’t think this is actually a school. China-knowers feel free to correct me, but it seems like a public market or cafeteria with facial recognition for payment (probably through alipay or one of the other big players)
Here’s a little background on facial recognition payment systems in China:
They seem to have sprung up and become popular quickly, spread to other sectors (like apartment entry), and now the government is setting some limits on their use to serve the public good:
The draft did not specify the law’s requirements, but said businesses should not require people to use facial recognition to receive better services.
Building management cannot use facial recognition as the only way for people to enter or exit, the draft said, noting if individuals don’t agree to facial recognition, management should provide other “reasonable and convenient” methods.
Airports, hotels, stations, banks, stadiums, exhibition halls and other business establishments shall not use facial recognition to verify personal identity, unless required by law, the draft rules said.
I wish we had a law like that in burgerland. Instead we have Madison square garden using facial recognition to ban people.
Obviously horseshit because it relies on the reader accepting that ”social credit” actually exists in China.
It does but it’s for businesses lol. It essentially incentivizes business owners to not scam or else your social and financial life becomes hell because you’re restricted from everything
better business bureau but an actual Bureau not just a private corporation of scam artists where they run cover for each other
In China, before you even start working you are assigned a huge debt to repay. Everyone who studies at university there is in debt bondage.
In China, they have a system where if you have mental health problems and can’t hold down a job, you’ll be forced to be homeless on the streets where roving gangs of thugs can beat you up and suffer no legal consequences, and the police will routinely attack you and try to arrest you and put you in prison for the crime of being too poor to afford housing.
This sounds really relatable!
Well there is one reason amerikkka is better. Our roving gang is the cops.
I mean, facial recognition in school is kind of dystopian
fuck biometrics everybody should hate biometrics
Is this actually a school, though? the propagandist posting this didn’t bother to check certainly (edit: and didn’t even claim it specifically). It doesn’t really look like one to me, and facial recognition would make a lot more sense as payment, not as school ID.
I don’t see how it’s anymore dystopian than having to use an ID badge for everything, which I’ve done since I was 7. That identifies me and my school record followed me for like 12 years. I guess if you include the implications for selling data and whatnot it would be worse than an ID
I don’t see the issue that is solved by having facial recognition, the amount extra an outsider who snuck in would eat is negligible compared to the amount that any school large enough that they don’t recognise every student make. Only reason that you’d need an ID is if you’re paying for the food, and I was under the impression that free lunch was the norm in China.
in the oppressive west, i paid for my school meals with my fingerprint. since i was born poor, i often didn’t eat
Damn, school kids in China do be tall with a mustache…
Yanks always talk about the negatives of the social credit system, but fail to mention that those with high social credit can get free mustaches, or extra height.