Greed. Get ready because they’re coming for free public k-12 next.
Nah. They just want to cut funding, not cut it completely. They need the dumb kids to grow up to be dumb workers and dumb voters. And to keep their own children in private schools to continue to rule over the poors.
Maybe stop paying the coaches so much?
Rich parents.
There’s really no other answer for this one. I went to a very nice university. The average person has no idea how many college students are coming from phenomenally high income families where price is essentially no issue.
It’s just a matter of how high up the top 10% is relative to everyone else. Both your parents are doctors and they have 18 years to save up - half a mill for Amy’s college bill is basically piss money.
The only problem is that these college students tend to grow up in areas where this is basically the norm. I had so many 19 year olds act flabbergasted that not only are neither of my parents doctors/lawyers/engineers… they didn’t even gasp go to college!
Eat the rich.
Americans with income over $74,000 hold about 60% of the total public student loan debt
The holders of college debt are, relatively speaking, the rich in this scenario, lol. They’re sure a lot richer than all the taxpayers who never went to college, who will be the primary ones footing the bill for any college debt forgiveness that occurs.
Ronald Reagan. That’s how this happened.
When it comes to Reagan I feel bad for dementia having to be inside him.
I’m sad that he died unable to remember what a horrible person he was.
He never thought he was horrible, so instead celebrate he was confused and horrified at the end :D
Honestly I can’t think of a single other person who I heard about their dementia and thought ‘good’
How Did This Happen?
College loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Simple as that.
With lenders knowing that the government will make sure they get paid, they’re happy to loan out any amount of money to anyone regardless of credit worthiness, because they take on literally zero risk.
Then colleges realize the same, and jack up their prices in turn. The feedback loop brings us to where we are today. There is no market (or other) force putting any downward pressure on tuition costs, at all. This is the inevitable result.
College loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Simple as that.
Well, that and the student body’s (self included) passiveness in just bending over and taking whatever colleges want to shove up our ass in exchange for the diminishing possibility of that leading to a well paying job.
If we had a sliver of a spine, we’d have fixed problems like this ages ago with torches, pitchforks, and guillotines.
People are willing to pay it, therefore they will charge it.
We badly need people in the skilled trades. The jobs pay well, are in high demand, and don’t require you go go into massive college debt.
They also are not hiring, or require someone to help you get through the door, just like everything else these days. Telling people to do trade work is incredibly tone-deaf.
For $100000 you can start your own company.
Which trades are you referring to?
I live close by to a community college that allows basically anyone to fairly quickly (1-2 yrs) get into a trade. I know several people who did. It’s not “easy” in the sense that yeah, you’re still learning a whole fucking skillset and trying to land your first adult job, but it’s definitely… extremely doable…?