Realistically? I give it less than a month before Trump pledges support for Russia.
Realistically? I give it less than a month before Trump pledges support for Russia.
Ok. I didn’t argue against any of what you said, just gave my reasons for using the label that I do. I have met trans/NB exclusionary bisexuals, and that turned me off to using that label for myself. If other people use bisexual to describe themselves and mean it to encompass attraction all possible gender identities then that’s great!
“the British seeing it’s own ship coming at it” hurts my brain in so many ways. The wrong “it’s”. Using “it’s” and “it” in relation to a plural formal noun. Could be fixed either by adding the word “navy” and using the correct “its” or by replacing “it’s” and “it” with “their” and “them”.
It doesn’t, but I have had that argument thrown at me almost verbatim by someone who identified as bisexual after I mentioned that I’m less attracted to masculine than feminine.
Not necessarily, because I don’t separate trans from cis, though some people do. It’s really a personal preference. Pan feels like a more inclusive term to me than what bi does.
I refer to myself as pan for two reasons. First, I believe that gender is a spectrum and there’s more than two of them. Two, to me bisexual implies equal attraction to both the masculine and feminine, and I’m less attracted to the masculine than I am to the feminine end of the scale.
Really, pansexual is being attracted to the the person, regardless of their gender identity.
Pretty much.
It does nothing, but some people think it messes with AI and keep doing it.
Yup. You should fuck off to xitter or truth social if you want your hate speech.
Hey, it’s those r*pist immigrants that the conservatives are always going on about.
Red Panda. I want to steal one from the zoo every time I go.
Four deadly crashes so far
The researcher replied simply with “its”.
Something, something, dictator on day one…
Well, you like Gold Star, so your taste buds are already suspect.
Hell yes I would!