ITT, people who are just figuring out Elaine is stupid hot
Gotta teach people about shiksappeal.
Hipster Elaine better not awaken anything in me
shes making me feel gay
This feels like an Elaine story arc.
Too late, I dated her like three times in my 20s
Thats, crraaayyyzzeeeee…
Dark George is my aesthetic.
George Crustanza plz. And if I went bald I’d look pretty close to this
what is this doing to me
Me looking @ this comment section
You ever notice how Kramer’s rants about wokeness suddenly happened after we found out Jerry was dating a high schooler? What’s up with that?
Am I…into hipster girls now?? 🥴
If you look like this dm me
which one
I said what I said
Both are hot.
Got drip like Vyvyan from Young Ones lmao
Liz gives me the vibe she thinks astrology is stupid but still knows everything about it
TR-6? I I prefer to think of her as… Elaine.
Oh hey, it’s me in both of my forms