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Yup their message about how Trump has broken a bunch h of laws has been really undercut by them breathlessly defending the last three people who refused to do anything about him.
“They only get one shot at this which is why the smart move is to never do anything, why isn’t there any enthusiasm for us?”
“you come at the king you best not miss”
muellercomeystormy danielswhatever a Lev Parnas isfanni williskeeping him off ballotsE. Jean Carrollmary trumpjack smithmichael cohenwhatever a Lev Parnas is againmerrick garlandI’m sure I forgot about fifty more
Even if Trump is guilty of every crime the Democrats accuse him of, all of that pales in comparison to Biden’s war crimes in Gaza, and it’s not even close.
Didn’t he once yell at someone and call them fat for daring to question his Union stance?
A Union stance that immediately crumbled under the slightest corporate pressure.
For the Iowa farmer it was both a question about his advanced age and the alleged nepotism hire of Hunter in Ukraine. Biden said what sounded like “look fat” but his campaign claimed he said “look, facts…”.
He did call him a damn liar and too old to vote for him though.He also argued with a factory worker about his 2A stance and called him full of shit.
We have the best emojis
It really shows how out of touch they are when they think the only problem voters have with Biden is that he’s old
They know it’s not the only problem voters have, they intentionally frame it as an age issue to take away from the actual grievances.
It’s the same strategy they used with Hillary, only there it was gender instead of age. Worked great last time!
Yup turns out of you have a problem with repeatedly destabilizing third would countries turning them into humanitarian crisis time and time again its because you’re sexist.
The only thing Biden is effective at is doing genocide
Pokemon Go and eat shit, Hillary.
Pokemon Go to hell, Hillary.
The only difference between them is that one has not been charged. Biden is a rabid dog that should be beaten to death with a stick.
Yeah let me ask Gaza about that socalled “compassion”.
[In butthead’s voice] Can you like- Shut up?
She is addicted to losing elections, even those she’s not actively participating in!
Wow such effective messaging. Hard to believe she lost in 2016 with these amazing skills
She’s the personification of the democratic party.
“Why won’t you poor idiots just fucking vote for me”
If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black!
I entirely forgot all about what I called “her campaign mode”. I mean - as a form of self protection - I wiped it 100% from my memory. I didn’t even realize that still I started to listen to clip. I only remembered that I really didn’t like her voice and her manner at all.
When I hear that voice and she’s making those faces it’s worse than plain old torture. It’s as if I’m undergoing a multitude of tortures happening all at once. I’m wearing a hood and somebody is pushing one of those tower cheese graters across my face, a second torturer is piercing me with a nail gun, a third torturer is brutally smashing my bare feet, a fourth torturer has large dogs that are barking and snarling right near me, horrible audio being pumped out of speakers at ear splitting volume, a fifth torturer is putting salt in my wounds… and that’s only the tip of the ice berg.
It really is incredible that she was the dem candidate. When she’s in campaign mode - who wants to be within 1,000 feet of her? It’s fucking horrible.
Anyone who remembers her fondly must have blocked that all out. It doesn’t get a whole lot worse than her “it’s my turn” artitude
Okay hilldawg. But the charges for Biden are gonna be coming from the ICJ any day now.
She is light itself. She is dancing, always dancing. She never sleeps. She says she will never die.
the freedom of pokemon is an insult to me. i’d have them all go to the polls
whatever in creation brunches without my knowledge brunches without my consent
I support Hillary Clinton being a part of Biden’s re-election campaign so long as it requires her to be around Biden’s dogs for an extended period of time.
I just hope she gets the credit she deserves for the outcome.
“Somehow losing to trump twice in a decade” should be the first line of her obituary
Eight years later and she’s learned nothing. No change of messaging. Incredible politics genius shit.
“The democratic party can not fail, it can only be failed” but it’s a 100% genuinely held belief
charged with 91 felonies
Okay, Hildawg. How many has he been convicted on?
Seriously they keep claiming to be the only people who will oppose them and then, very notably, not doing a God damn thing to oppose him.
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