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Men that carried out terrorist attack on concert in Russia received funds from Ukraine.
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Men that carried out terrorist attack on concert in Russia received funds from Ukraine.
The unmaterialist take is to not realize that were russia to attain the hegemonic position in global geo-politics it wouldn’t build bases in exactly the same way.
Bourgeois Nation-states serve capitalism. Whichever one is globally the most powerful gets the funding from global corporations to protect their interests globally. They don’t care if that is the US or russia. They’ll use either one for that aim.
This is all hypothetical and speculative. What is actually happening right now? We can’t just assume without evidence that it would be the same.
You understand that America built its huge expansive empire before the invention of the hypersonic missile correct? There is not going to be another empire in the way America did it literally ever. America may very well be the only nation in the history of humanity to have built its empire literally uncontested by any other nation on earth. Every other nation was blown to bits and the ones that weren’t blown to bits were abysmally poor, and even the ones that were abysmally poor were also blown to bits. Could Russia figure out a way to build something like America a different way? Maybe, but that’s pretty unlikely.