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Men that carried out terrorist attack on concert in Russia received funds from Ukraine.
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Men that carried out terrorist attack on concert in Russia received funds from Ukraine.
lol who said he was? we’d all love a second bolshevik revolution and to see him dead or sweeping the streets of Tobolsk, but at the moment he’s poking the eye of a worse hegemon.
So would you have cheered on hitler’s germany or japan because they were against the US?
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
no in that instance you would cheer on the u.s. (albeit critically) for siding against the nazis and fascists
nazi germany was worse than the US was at the time lmao what are you smoking?
Worse in what ways? Imperialism? Global empire? Capitalist control of world productive capacities?
I think the US and England were bigger global empires than germany at the time.
uh the fucking holocaust? stalin shouldn’t have stopped at berlin but the colonizing the cracker empires were doing at the time wasn’t nakedly exterminationist
what the fuck is wrong with you?