so someone shits on lemmy (good natured, but wrong), i provide a little context, another person feels self conscious we have a little back and forth and im whats wrong with the world, really.
Ever think that maybe walking around looking for reasons to be righteously angry over minor internet exchanges perhaps makes you as much of the same problem if this is where you put the bar.
its the posters on the internet not the people dragging folks down gravel roads or the people denying others fundamental freedoms.
You and people like you is what’s wrong with the world.
so someone shits on lemmy (good natured, but wrong), i provide a little context, another person feels self conscious we have a little back and forth and im whats wrong with the world, really.
Ever think that maybe walking around looking for reasons to be righteously angry over minor internet exchanges perhaps makes you as much of the same problem if this is where you put the bar.
its the posters on the internet not the people dragging folks down gravel roads or the people denying others fundamental freedoms.
its me, im whats wrong
get off the internet and join reality.