Well, the Voyager app shows a comment score and a post score, I like to have just that. The karma system was flawed because the accounts with the most karma where mostly repost bots. Karma restrictions didn’t do anything because of that.
I don’t have a dog hoe and I don’t know why I would want to communicate that I felt three days ago. As a human I feel constantly and I think any dog hoe would know that, because they have feelings too.
Always has been
I can say removed.
I would just call it beebleborg.
He’s so many steps ahead he’s already rushing for bankruptcy while others would still be thinking of ways to improve their site.
I think you’re right
I wonder why it didn’t work out…
Am I having a stroke?
Did it say the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls?
As long as you’re playing for fun you’re good. The game is just notorious for people deciding whether they are having a good or bad day by winning or losing and trying to surrender because it’s “lost anyway” in like 70% of matches, then beating up their keyboard, and only taking breaks when they’re banned for hate speech.
What do you mean?
Wefwef is great
Apparently there are cougars in my area. I am scared now.