As shitty as it is, this country 1. Isn’t designed in such a way that would allow a third-party candidate a genuine chance of winning and 2. Has too many centrists that will vote for Biden regardless. Trump has repeatedly garnered heavy support in Republican polls, so they’re pretty much almost all in on him. Splitting the blue vote between Biden and whoever else will only lead to a Trump victory after which we might not even be ABLE to vote in 2028.
I’m legitimately having a panic attack. These airheaded anarcho-kiddies are genuinely going to land us all in camps.
biden’s doing literally nothing to stop states from criminalizing lgbt people’s existence
their fears about a trump presidency are valid but i wish these libs would stop putting their hopes in the DNC when its clear they have zero interest in running a candidate that isn’t complete dogshit
I hope “anarkiddy” becomes the new “tankie” and all the MLs in the audience have to put up with being called it. It’s only fair that we swap once in a while.
ngl I’ll actually probably get mad the first few times that happens lol
Hey, this is totally off-topic to the thread, but your mentioning being an ML reminded me that I’ve been meaning to ask you: Where did you get that imperialists need to actively under-develop the countries they exploit for it to be imperialism? My leftcom buddies insist that even if they are contributing to the development of a country’s MoP, they can still be doing imperialism. I broadly agree with you but don’t have the, uh, theoretical competence that you might have.
Not the person, but for a leftcom (and even more strictly applied ML theory) imperialism is when you have a different ‘economic zone’ that applies to another country. Essentially it is when you have ‘rules for thee but not for me’. The classical mercantile imperial model develops the extractive industries of a colony, while the actual processing industry exists at home. You use cheap labor in the colony to extract the materials, refine them back at home, and then sell them back to the colony, rather than developing the colonies ability to feed and educate itself, and then also develop it’s means of production. Instead, MoP is developed mostly for the benefit of the colonizer. This is also maintained through different labor laws applying to these different zones, which are then enforced with extreme prejudice, which is the hallmark of imperialism. This is laid out in Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’.
Now, what leftcoms usually miss imo is the part where it is an outside force that is enforcing this through violence. For example, many leftcoms believe that what China is doing is ‘imperialism’ especially since it often relies on creating differently taxes economic zones within areas of Africa (or more pedantically saying that the communist party elites have sold out the proletariat of China to the highest bidder on the international market). While there is an argument to be made there, I think the important thing to note is that China does not (or at least hasn’t yet) enforced their deals in Africa with military force, but instead through long term structural development deals where they develop the infrastructure of country on the cheap (because excess construction labor is something they have in abundance) in exchange for these economic zones where their population can immigrate to and work. It ultimately a win-win imo, and looks fundamentally different than previous versions of imperialism. Additionally, despite ‘selling out their proletariat’ the Chinese Communist Party has demonstratively not given up their control over the means of production and it’s development. Wether you agree with it or not, what is happening to them is not ‘imperialism’, it’s something else.
Capitalist development (i.e. investment in equipment and materials) is where the tendency for the rate of profit to fall comes from; as the amount of fixed capital increases in the system (machines, infrastructure, education, etc) the less labor is needed to produce the same quantity of commodities. As labor is the source of all value, reducing the labor inputs actually reduces the value of the physical output of the system.
Underdevelopment is a tactic whereby this process is undercut by deploying counteracting factors to reduce the rate at which profit falls, chiefly superexploitation of the workers and immiseration of the population. Instead of investing in fixed capital to extract resources and reduce the need for human labor (i.e. development), imperialism sidesteps the problem by using military and police instead.
Within the imperial core the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is also counteracted because the resource colony cheapens the elements of constant capital, industrial inputs, and consumer goods. Even better, underdevelopment increases migration away from imperialized nations towards the core, increasing the surplus army of labor and allowing for the creation of internal colonies of superexploited workers within the imperial core itself! This allows for further capitalist development within the imperial core without reducing the rate of profit because, while labor inputs decrease for the core workers, they remain constant or increase for imperialized workers.
… at least, that’s as much as I understand. Still need to read more theory.
I get very frustrated in community spaces when i’m called an anarchist for just being there, it’d be so much worse from a lib 🤢
Wouldn’t be the first time an ML would be called an anarchist considering State and Revolution was derided as too anarchist by other bolsheviks when it was made
Lenin is an anarchist now? Y’all really need to stay in your lane
synthesis: tankiddie, anartankiddie
This is a real comment:
Shouldn’t these numbers be seen as a major victory, especially with Biden being blamed by pro-Russian and Chinese bots on social media and by billionaire-owned news agencies for things outside of his control? - As for Palestine, he’s been pushing for a ceasefire for a long time now, he’s been admonishing Israel, and he’s been dropping aid to Gaza. The countries that have stonewalled the ceasefire are the same ones that have smeared him on social media - Russia and China. - In terms of his successes/effectiveness, what are your thoughts on… his masterful handling of the Ukraine war
I feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t do this any more. These people live in a fucking fantasy world.
The countries that have stonewalled the ceasefire are the same ones that have smeared him on social media - Russia and China
What the actual fuck
This is because China and Russia correctly shot down the fake ceasefire proposed by
in the UN which would have given a bunch of shit to
Libs just eat up the propaganda like dogs
Lying by omission by saying he admonished Israel and dropped aid to Gaza. He didn’t admonish Israel, he vocally expressed displeasure with Netanyahu while shipping infinite aid to him. He literally dropped a pittance of aid on Gaza and killed people with it.
In terms of his successes/effectiveness, what are your thoughts on… his masterful handling of the Ukraine war
It’s gonna take people awhile to come terms with the collective west getting absolutely wrecked by the Russian untermensch.
What Chinese bots? Reddit is swarming with Israeli bots and these dumbasses are still focused on Russian Facebook pages.
This person lives in a mind palace of their own design, but instead of imagining something cool they just imagine that Joe Biden is doing ineffectual posturing.
These people live in a fucking fantasy world
They live in a fantasy world and accuse everyone who dares question even the slightest part of the fantasy of being some sort of evil foreign actor, or else the ones truly in a fantasy world
It’s disgusting and insidious
Bidens “ceasefire” was literally telling Palestinians to stop fighting so that Israel can come in and Massacare them. Props to Russia and China for vetoing this shit.
They talk about Biden “admonishing” Netanyahu, but it was always just Biden getting sassy with Netanyahu on the phone, and then immediately sending him billions of dollars worth of weapons after they hang up. Like Biden hasn’t been instrumental in manufacturing Western consent and support for the genocide of Palestinians for the last 6 months
They talk about Biden “admonishing” Netanyahu, but it was always just Biden getting sassy with Netanyahu on the phone
Listen Jack, please stop calling Obama the n word
he’s being so tough on Netanyahu!
Oh he’s dropping aid alright.
r/ask_transgender already gives bland and uninspired standard answers with the occassional dogshit take slipped in for good measure when it comes to trans related questions, and that’s what they’re supposed to be experts about. I hope nobody here expected them to come up with anything insightful about US electoral politics from them.
I’m not surprised. I swear 90% of those “Ask blank” subreddits are just full of people who hate the group in question pretending to be them on alt accounts to say hateful and ignorant things so they can back up their hateful bullshit with “see, look at these people are like!” on their original account.
Just spent 15 mins making 15 comments, a new record, what’s your excuse for not brigading?
Edit: I got the thread locked, how you like them fuckin apples
I felt a wave of intense anger bubble up and decided to get a sandwich instead
Don’t bother getting mad, judging by the responses I’m getting these people are political toddlers
unfortunately you have to vote for him if you prefer to keep personal liberties we enjoy.
I mean look at this goofy shit
Just off the top of my head, while Biden was in office we’ve seen porn essentially banned in some states, various types of vaping, consideration of a menthol cigarette ban, the House passed a TikTok ban and Biden has encouraged the senate to pass it so he can sign it, and we’ve seen ‘free speech’ completely eroded to whatever degree it existed with a clown show in congress of Nazis grilling libs over pro-Palestine protesters whom they both agree are “antisemitic.”
Biden sure does love personal freedoms
Don’t forget a big one. He literally did nothing when abortion got banned.
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People are short sighted generally. If something doesn’t effect them currently or the effects are said to be far off or only in specific circumstances it’s sort of normal to go “ok, that sounds not good… but if I don’t go to work right now I’ll miss rent. I’ll come back to that later.” And they never come back to it for whatever variety of reasons from exhaustion to some sort of mental block on wanting to read horrible shit.
The solution for this short sightedness is having people whose entire job in life to bend society in a way to avoid things like climate change or to maintain rights like abortion. The problem with that in a capitalist system is avoiding negative effects of climate change might not be profitable. So that person, to whatever extent they exist, is ignored and undermined. We end up with this totally alienated population of people who broadly do want abortion to be legal, who do want to force corporations to reign in carbon emissions to avoid further catastrophic consequences in the climate but they lack power. Everyone is distracted by their own bullshit, all this abstract (to them) stuff about dying due to no access to abortion is driven to the fringe of the consciousness. The worse everything gets, the more it feels bad to think about climate change or starving homeless or whatever else. Simultaneously people are having their housing security threatened by raising rent, raising grocery prices, etc. It’s all just shoving people into shutting down, ignoring, and just letting hell wash over us all.
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If liberals incite anarchists enough with lib insults like anarcho-kiddies it will drive a wedge between them and radicalise a lot of the baby-anarchists into proper revleft anarchists.
Critical support to liberals fucking up their relationship with the only buttress holding back a huge tide of people from radicalising more significantly.
I’m legitimately having a panic attack. These airheaded anarcho-kiddies are genuinely going to land us all in camps.
Meanwhile the guy you support is literally putting people in the largest concentration camp in the world. How fucking selfish can you be. Oh no don’t put me in a camp, I’m fine with you putting all those people in a camp but not meeeee!
There’s literally a whole poem about this. Read theory, I guess?
Liberals’ problem with the Nazis is that they targeted the wrong people
Nah their only problem with the Nazis is that they went west first instead of east.
Smh at these tankies whining about minor issues like genocide. We gotta stop with these insane purity tests. They should focus on what really matters instead, passing that border bill and getting more machine gun turrets built.
a chess move is when you keep playing the same move like it’s checkers and going
when it has the same results.
patzer sees blue, patzer votes blue
Ahhh! It is literally an endorsement! Voting for Biden tells him and the Democrats that genocide is acceptable to their voter base. It doesn’t matter what polls say if people vote for the Dems they will keep supporting genocide because that’s what a vote is, it’s an endorsement of that candidate and their policies.
they just can’t stop talking out of both sides of their mouth. voting for the “lesser of two evils” is just pragmatism in a broken system, but also if you imply that we could win any concessions from power by withholding our votes you’re delusional and if you question the necessity of preserving such a fundamentally broken system you’re selfish and if so much as mention the possibility of breaking the law in this moment of total crisis, you’re a radical terrorist.
These fuckers would vote for hitler because Himmler is worse.
No matter how you cut it, that’s what imply their “lesser evil” argument.
it’s so over for us MLs the liberals are taking our dumb insults now
love how half the comments are like ‘fuck biden’ but have all been surreptitiously downvoted by the undoubtedly cis liberals that stalk every trans space online looking for the good ones™. also just in general i find a lot of trans spaces online (particularly on reddit) are overrun with liberal trans people that obviously dont show up to any community stuff IRL at all. if they did they might actually be radicalized
Has Genocide Joe done anything in the last 3 years to even remotely suggest he cares about protecting the lives of trans people?
As with most things there’s a pretty convincing argument to be made that having a democratic president stifles all progressive movements.
The only difference I’ve seen between the Trump and Biden residencies is when Trump was president every liberal had BLM in their profile and theybwere mad about discrimination, treatment of immigrants and fascism.
Now there’s a dem president those same people are lecturing everybody to stop complaining because it’s making them look bad, even though 4 years ago theyw ere complaining about the same stuff and nothing changed.
If Trump had won a second term every lib in congress would have “free palestine” and “the first pride was a riot” in their bios.
Instead we get the same libs posting Biden with laser eyes talking shit about unions and not understanding that “dark brandon” is funny because it plays on the absurdist notion that Biden would ever do something good.
Who, me?
This is the same as when libs say “not voting just empowers people to steal elections”
Hey dumbass libs, nothing is being done anyway, voting isn’t going to change the outcome.
“Ash why is hexbear the only trans space you visit?”
I see this sentiment a lot here and it seems like a no brainer that this is that place not just because it is explicitly trans positive, but explicitly revolutionary in its politics. Any space that is not sufficiently radical will always let the ladder pullers lib up the place and carry water for fascists and bigots.
It is the perfect combo!
I fucking hate trans liberals
Honestly, all liberals, but liberals who are a part of marginalized groups have a special dash of insufferableness to them.