@pollodiabolo - this user is a karma whore of epic proportions and they have made a shit load (10-15+) accounts on kbin that boost and upvote each other while sometimes mass downvoting others that have posts trending towards the top - all to farm karma.

See top comment on this thread

You will continue to see me calling out this person and their alts. This can’t and won’t become another Reddit and karma whoring folks need to be called out and discouraged.

The following accounts are all the same person and in the very unlikely event they are not, they are still collectively vote manipulating.

@pollodiabolo @journalism_died @ishitwhite @muftiboy @kilkennygriffin @jeremyfurzen @syscollapse @riseupagainstthem @ruse-of-metacarpi @johnson_waters @cazzodicristo @at-fieldu @the-big-lie @Schluchtschiss @fuckoffyoudumbcunt @extremelybullish @cringeminge4 @NoCunteryForOldMen @yesbabyyy @kneel_pleb

A few of these accounts have since cleared their boosting history but with some common sense it should be easy to verify.

If I get mass downvoted, be sure to see the age of the accounts as well as whether they are on this list to gauge their authenticity. I am pretty sure this won’t reach many but I’ll spam it enough times so it eventually will.

EDIT: This is not a comprehensive list and there are obviously more alts. These are beyond a reasonable doubt involved in mass self-upvoting.

EDIT2: Almost every downvote I have on this post are by accounts that were made after I posted this. They all belong to the same user that I have called out here. This is pathetic and should be proof enough that vote manipulation is something we need to deal with.

EDIT3: More accounts to add to the list: @puny_human @latvianbloke @pedanticc @SONOFNAT

EDIT4: And now they’ve started to remove their downvotes from new accounts and add them from the list. Bruh I don’t even get it at this point. I’m just gonna go to bed that person’s a headache to figure out honestly. Night y’all.

Name and shame karma farmers.

EDIT5: This is an excellent example, you might see some familiar names

Image in case they decide to retract their votes again

    • StopMassDownvotingYouIdiot@kbin.socialOP
      2 years ago

      Its concerning that kbin might turn into Reddit with low effort shitposts hitting the front page most of the time because a few people decide to make tons of accounts and boost their posts early on to take advantage of the algorithm. They absolutely are a dork ass loser for ruining what could be a good thing - all for fake internet points, sheesh.

      • minnieo@kbin.social
        2 years ago

        Thankfully the ‘algorithm’ of kbin is not near as toxic and shitty, it’s a lot more simplistic and authentic. I like how comments with varying amounts of upvotes are displayed mixed up so I feel like I am actually experiencing a discussion involving everyone.

      • static@kbin.social
        2 years ago

        Upvotes are public, on kbin/not lemmy.

        With public upvotes bots should be detectable, I just have to write a bot to detect the bots.

        • Teppic@kbin.social
          2 years ago

          Not through the UI on Lemmy but, because of federation, upvotes can be exposed for Lemmy too.

      • subignition@kbin.social
        2 years ago

        As long as activity remains public, this kind of inauthenticity will be transparent to anyone who wishes to look. Your vigilance is appreciated

          • StopMassDownvotingYouIdiot@kbin.socialOP
            2 years ago

            Exactly, the person I’ve mentioned in the post has already made 5 accounts in the last hour. We will never be able to block all of em. Identify, name, shame and of course downvote - the thing that will damage them the most.

            • FaceDeer@kbin.social
              2 years ago

              Admins have the ability to IP block (I assume - if they don’t, I’m sure that’s a feature that’s in high demand). If they nuke accounts like this they should be able to prevent them from respawning.

              Failing that, automated detection of patterns like this should be possible.