The three most important things in life
Learn Laugh Olive
Like have you had olives? Mmmmm.
I first read evolve and thought it’s about pokemon
This would be so awesome if the letters were on a big rotating disk though!
Learn backwards. Love upside down. Live vertically. Laugh
Words to live by
I’ve been living vertically for awhile but I’m hoping it’s not always going to be a downward spiral the whole way.
You’ve been doing great! As opposed to death, when you’ll be very much horizontal.
evolive nraelaugh, sounds like the child of an (even more than usually) out of touch billionaire
Or a Lovecraftian nightmare god.
Is this gaelic?
They’re using the Middle-Out system
That makes so much more sense than
Evolive (evolve?)
Love, live, laugh, learn
Nraelaugh, Evolive
hgualeaen, evilove
The most efficient way to jack off a large auditorium full of men.
I like how there’s “evil” in that
And evolive, whatever the fuck that means.
learn evil, love laugh
Or this dubreddit always shows up only when I’m high
e v o l i v e