I know the leftist in me is supposed to have sympathy for these people and get them to unionize. But only after I stop laughing and enjoying this moment. For years these fucks told the rest of us to “learn to code” and pretended like studying anything else at uni was a fucking waste of time.
GUESS WHAT FUCKERS. SO WAS CODING. Looks like we’ll be baristas together, only I’ll have three years of experience!!!
It’s going to have to get much much worse before engineers unionize. I am sorry to say my fellows do not occupy reality in a class sense and these layoffs are just a taste of what’s to come.
I also don’t encounter a lot of the “learn to code” types irl, if ever. If anything, i hear pushback on outsourcing and bootcamps. I wonder how much of that sentiment was actual engineers vs students online who hadn’t entered the workforce yet.
Most engineers I know are OK but not at all class conscious people.
I also have some bias here, I don’t live or work on the coasts so the silicon valley elistist tech bro musk worshipping cutthroat competitive culture you see at big tech is just not there. And those types tend to be the loudest shittiest dudes online.
Midwest here, most folks just treat it as a job like any other. Still won’t fucking unionize though, US propaganda is too strong.
for some reason techies who have never worked in the trades tend to be more “learn a trade” type guys
tradies: learn to code
techies: learn a trade
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coding is a trade.
You’re an individual paid to use skill to make things that someone else profits from. You may be paid well but you’re also at the bottom of the ladder, having to do what you’re told, discarded as it suits the employer.
My point is both are alienated and aggrieved, and they both use some “grass is greener” shit to justify why the problem isn’t the capitalist system but just that you chose the wrong line of work
Agreed. I was more making conversation than contradicting.
Nerds wanna be macho men, macho men wanna be nerds and I just kinda wanna vibe.
The only people I’ve ever actually heard say “learn to code” are like Cory Booker and co
Yeah it tends to show up IRL more as a proposed solution than an insult. The whole, we just need to train these laid-off coal miners in West Virginia how to code, that will reverse the economic decline there.
There are l2c programs in a lot of elementary schools right now. Parts of STEAM curriculum