Can’t have that anymore because of woke
Season 1 and 2 + the Xmas Special are solid gold. It was a straight BBC joint then.
The themes and direction were clear and the show did what it set out to do. I enjoyed that. There are plenty of fair criticisms of the show, but pre-Netflix-collaboration Black Mirror has to stand alone.
was a straight BBC joint then.
It was on Channel 4 but your point stands.
the dance monkey dance one in S3 was good as well but that was it
Yeah there’s a clear drop in overall quality and curiosity between the original Channel 4 run and the Netflix episodes.
I could never get into Black Mirror because every episode felt like a poorly edited pilot, where the actors weren’t into their roles yet and never would be since it was a one-off and they’d stretch like at most 15 minutes of story out into an hour of not particularly good filler that went on way too long. Like I felt like Love, Death, + Robots and Black Mirror were functionally the same thing and both had about the same amount of story and content per episode, but where LD+R trimmed it a little too tight Black Mirror would just keep going and going without anything there.
You might find Inside No. 9 a better anthology series to watch. Less “wot if your phone was evil” and more surrealist cross-genre drama. It has a consistent cast and while one or two episodes are weak, overall it’s quite enjoyable.
Wot eef there was an app on your mobile that summoned a weasel or a stout of your choice to bite your nippies until they’re all gone? People would have few nippies left on account of they’re always on mobile while standing on queue
But like, in the episode they should talk about how great it is to have the weasel eat your nipples and stream the whole thing while pretending they aren’t in obvious pain. That way it says something about society.
Wot if they replace Big Ben with a digital clock?
It always had a weird incel streak to it. I remember the creator something like “yeah I like to portray women being evil because something something maternal instinct”. The episode where the guy’s exwife cheated on him was classic incel bait.
Yeah, suddenly it’s palid and has no bite.
Of season 4 I only saw the Jesse Plemons, neonazi from breaking bad, die in the game die IRL one. If there are any after that worth watching I’d like to know.
The only Black Mirror I found genuinely disturbing was White Bear.
White Bear
I also found that episode weird.
Like… what’s the whole premise behind this show? I get “the message” about social media allowing people to get off on punishing people, and how it’s pretty sadistic even when the people deserve it. But who the fuck would pay to go to a park to mildly harass a woman who doesn’t even recall the awful crime she committed? For most of the whole affair the lady is out in the woods and none of the cell phone gawkers could even see her. Who designed this weird ass scenario? What’s the point? Wouldn’t it just be more efficient to just torture her to death on live TV or something?
Like I got the concept but I found the details were really weird and I spent more time thinking about that than the message.
Once again the very clear message of “British people are inhuman monsters who delight in the suffering of minorities” is squandered on deaf ears
Seasons 4 and 5 were very forgettable, but I thought season 6 was quite solid with one exception.
“Be Right Back” from season 2 was really good, and incredibly prescient given recent developments in AI. It predicted Replika, or rather Replika was partially inspired by that episode - a real “we created the Torment Nexus” moment.
Always hated it. Charlie Brooker made a parody of the concept years before making the show and also I fucking hate British people
attempting social commentary or humor.They’re all smug little shit eaters who are way too proud of how fucking clever they are.I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Wot if a robot made checked yo see if you post youtube links instead of paying your telly loiscense?
Wot if your mate wrote a transcendental musical thst swept all of britannia and when the queen came to see it, his Xbox came on stage and said it had written the tune? That’d be a real trouser pinch
Wot if yer roomba had a knoif?
Wot if yer mum was a computah?
Wot if yer fone new ya name
You should watch Channel 4’s Utopia. Dystopian scifi. It’s about a comic book fan club that is being pursued by a fascist deepstate. It was canceled after 2 seasons for being too violent. It has great visuals and a banger soundtrack too.
It’s a shame the premise is basically just accepting ecofash assumptions in order to be provocative, but the style and acting is great.
From what I remember, the ecofash are the villains. The villians has some ecofascist beliefs and are motivated by those beliefs, but I don’t think that the show itself accepts ecofascism. To me it was pretty clear that the show was saying ecofascism is bad.
It does say that but at the same time as it accepts the core premises and “question” of ecofascism, but it attempts to suggest a different answer for moral reasons.
Like if there was a show about IQ or something and the message was that you shouldnt oppress people for having lower IQ collectively.
The villains are ecofash. I get that they present it as a “necessary evil” and have one of the protagonists switch sides, but who knows how the messaging would’ve played out if they’d got more seasons.
I do not recall any real moment that the premise of the villains is challenged though, the challenge is “you cant be ecofash for moral reasons” and the head ecofash is constantly portrayed as a uniquely troubled genius.
Is there a potential future where a third season would reveal it to be all bullshit? Sure, but then it becomes bad television instead, since the ecofash narrative is one of the things that was innovative and challenging about it.
Wot if there was a microchip?
the first two or three (can’t remember) seasons were good then Netflix bought it. as usual you can thank the Americans for making it shit
I thought it was about what if technology but scary