This person does not speak for the entire uncommitted movement. Many people participating will not be voting for Biden come November. And more importantly they won’t be participating in any GotV campaigns for the general. There won’t be any “heroic” GotV campaigns that carried Biden in 2020. I won’t call it for Trump yet. He might not have any juice left in him either. But its going to be close.
If Biden wants my vote he can show he has the strength to twist Bibi’s arm. The longer he takes the harder he better twist. His October surprise better be a No Fly Zone over Palestine, '67 borders. Obviously, he won’t. But if we can pretend he will I can pretend I’ll vote for him. Asking thousands of activists to not just vote for genocide but actively campaign for it is more futile than harassing Biden.
My #1 trick for negotiations is to announce from the get go that I will agree to whatever terms the other party wants
They’re not even thinking in terms of negotiations, competition, or much less, conflict. It’s all about “raising awareness”, and loyalty to your team even when they’re doing poorly.
For me to vote Biden he’d have to catch up and pay me the $80,000 in stimulus checks he owes me. Oh, he’d also have to:
- Give Puerto Ricans the right to vote
- Legalize weed
- Forgive all student debt
- Move American troops out of Taiwan, the Baltic states, Germany, Poland, Jordan, Iraq, Somalia, South Korea, Japan, etc etc etc
- Launch a full scale invasion of Israel to liberate Palestine
- Summarily execute every legislator that has voted to criminalize trans people’s existence
So, IDK, he better get cooking soon if he wants my vote.
Give Puerto Ricans the right to vote“Free Puerto Rico” is much better.
Otherwise good list, but, yeah, no way I’m voting for Biden and a pig. I didn’t the first time and I’m sure as hell not doing it the second time.
Yeah absolutely, I just meant that it’s literally impossible for me to vote otherwise lol
No mention of landlords, lib detected
Landlords will be left to face the Revolutionary Tenants’ Army’s justice.
I have not voted for either faction of the corporate party for 50 years, won’t start now.
If Biden continues the way he does most of the uncommitted voters arent going to vote at all.
I won’t be voting uncommitted in the general election. I’m voting for Afroman
Sponsored showboating YES!
The intent is to send a message. The message is “we will vote for you no matter what, so no need to make any policy changes sir.”
“The further right we move, the more of our base we alienate. Clearly this means we should move further right.”
Ah I didn’t know the CEO of the uncommitted movement was among us
if you look at my resume, you will be assured that i am well qualified
Sounds sus
Whoah whoah whoah! Hold on a minute here! Who said anything about our protest vote actually doing anything? I thought we were just doing it to feel smug and superior? Now you tell me you actually want…results? You actually want the change you were advocating for? I can’t believe this!
Afaik the DNC said in open court that they’re a private club and they can and will choose their candidate if the primaries pick the wrong candidate., never change
You vote for Biden, you are genocide supporters giving a political mandate to a genocider. Simple as.
The only moral position is to not give genociders a mandate.
Fine I’ll commit myself to vote …
Jill Stein in the general…in Michigan…AGAIN
The “sending a message” narrative was one of the narratives used to explain
's popularity in early elections too.
I don’t plan to vote for the genocidal corpse-emperor. I don’t care if the light of the Astronomican goes out, the tech-priests can learn to live without their treats.
They can mald all they want. I’m voting Jill Stein because it’ll be hilarious if she were to get a substantial portion of the vote in a swing state. You couldn’t pay me to vote for Genocide Joe so I’m just going to use my vote to piss off people.