The section before this was about the history of Yoga, and I feel the author just had a fucking seizure while watching Fox News, before continuing to write the book.
Like what.
The section before this was about the history of Yoga, and I feel the author just had a fucking seizure while watching Fox News, before continuing to write the book.
Like what.
Which is nuts to me, 10 - 20 years 95% of those people were very left wing, or at least primitivist. Basically you can track what happened to JP Spears and see that writ large across western culture.
they’re just easy to manipulate
like gerpersons
I’m not sure that’s entirely true. There were reactionary spiritualists as far back as the 60s. I think that Yogi the Beatles were into became a sex pest AnCap.
I had people who sent me that guys videos all the time several years back and there was definitely a point where his views starting seeping into what was supposedly tongue in cheek stuff. Dude also gets fucking acupuncture for his dog.