That’s clearly what I mean unless you want to waste four hours on sub-par Shrek. You know the main canon and there’s no reason to revisit it for fucking exposition.
the only way to watch shrek is to start with shrek the third until exactly the moment at which fiona reveals she’s pregnant, at which point you flashback to shrek 1 and watch it all the way through TWICE before returning to finish shrek 3. then you watch shrek 2, take a quick puss break (both movies) then move on to shrek forever after
(this is how star wars fans sound)
People will unironically tell you to watch Evangelion this way.
Also how some people will tell you how to read all 3 volumes of Capital.
That’s a very postmodern viewing of Shrek. I prefer to watch Shrek 2 and imagine where the characters came from and where they’re going. There is a direct, lived connection to history. Fiona doesn’t just fall out of a coconut tree and reveal she’s pregnant.
1+2+3 = 6
2*3 = 6
Makes sense
You made a classic blunder. The first thing is you do is make them watch only the Fat Bastard scenes from Austin Powers. Then you start Shrek 2. After watching it twice you finish the night with a showing of Gymkata.
Some of my dates may leave, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay.
They should adjust their Shrek-pectations
I can’t believe you even asked to watched the films without revisiting the source material first
I was saving the novel for after. It doesn’t add much to the Shrek 2 experience that repeat viewings of Shrek 2 don’t already add.
Why watch anything other than the peak of the franchise?
Especially when you’ve got a shrekxpert next to you and he has the IMDB page pulled up. I’m prepared to answer any Shrek 2 question they had across three whole viewings and they’d rather watch Shrek 3 with no context apart from Shrek 1 and 2.
Some people just don’t have respect for the craft. Smdh.
It’s not that you are wrong, it’s that you didn’t communicate and compromise.
If I invite someone out to “dinner and a movie”, that doesn’t need extra layers of communication. We’re immediately going to my apartment and watching Shrek 2 on my laptop three times in a row. No talking, no sex, no food until it’s over so we aren’t distracted.
I see the problem, you need to tell them it’s a movie and dinner so they don’t expect to be immediately fed.
Women amirite
If tinder is any indication many of them are Shrek philistines who only want to focus on their careers and goals.
Must Love Shrek :kelly:
That was literally on my profile and they didn’t seem to notice. They kept asking if I wanted to have sex even though I said we need to concentrate on Shrek 2.